the CSPC

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I Choose My Adventures! How Group Camping as an Adult Changes Your Life

By Turtle

I close my eyes to open my mental scrapbook, reminiscing about all the varied and sundry camps I've attended over my lifetime. Initially, my dad is the oldest of five kids, all of us camping together as a family of ten at Lost Lake. I went on to 4-H Camp, Astronomy Club, my HS track team, Girl's State through the VFW program. I've even camped in the pig tack room at Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds and under the grandstands at the Puyallup State Fair. We think of camp as a place for kids in the summer.

As an adult, I discovered spiritual retreats, church camps, large outdoor activity camps, personal growth conferences in the woods, even one where no one spoke for four days. I worked at Camp Easter Seal too. (Now the slip-n-slide we had there was epic!) Camp Easter Seal was distinctly different from the Oregon Country Fair, which had greenish smoke drifting like fog through the grounds, LMAO.

Then, I joined the CSPC in 2010 and attended Paradise. In 2011, I volunteered. By 2012–2014, I was the entertainment lead for some 400 campers with a crew of ten. Sadly, Paradise was lost. 

Next, The Gathering was organized. I volunteered out there as well. LOL, I'm not sure I know how NOT to volunteer! In my family everyone helps with everything. It's what we do. Why am I sharing all this with you? Because many of my best memories happened at a camp. Ask me about being chased by a freshwater-lake shark some time.

I've learned an incredible amount about the world, about new topics, and I've expanded topics I'm familiar with. I've experienced deep personal growth, challenged my principles, met lifelong friends, and adopted new family members.

At The Frolic, you'll get the chance to experience both lighthearted moments and times when the world stands still. There are those late-night fireside talks that lead to deep-seated camaraderie and inside jokes. You'll build intimacy, trust, and bonds in ways you didn't know existed. 

Our community is unique in that we aren't just acquaintances who happen to know each other. We become an extended family that co-creates inclusive, non-judgmental experiences. We promote exploration and sexploration. Your journey of self discovery and confidence is endless.You'll stretch your cognitive and creative muscles and break out of stagnant routines. 

The Frolic allows you to expand your perspective. Create scenes you'd never consider. Maybe even enjoy new sensations. We have opportunities to experiment.

New people step up and exhibit leadership. We discover each other's hidden talents. By getting to truly know each other and set aside assumptions, we learn to respect each other. You will also see everyone just being human. Funny things happen. Laughter happens. Hugs and snuggles happen. Healing happens. People tap into their deeper purpose and learn to live their best life. They become more authentic to their hearts. 

Adult group camping is also the best type of self care. Being in nature is critical to our health, resting our brain matter.

Refilling our energy. Refocusing our priorities. 

All this and camp includes food, a place to camp, showers, rocking education, and awesome entertainment, plus play time with fantastic friends!

You won't want to go home.