The Center for Sex Positive Culture
The Center for Sex Positive Culture is a 501c7 nonprofit, meaning we exist solely to serve our members. Membership is open to all like-minded individuals, and grants you access to all events and services.
The Center for Sex Positive Culture creates spaces to celebrate, develop, and explore sexuality and sensuality among a diverse, supportive community.
The Center for Sex Positive Culture encourages the exploration and celebration of the many facets of human sexuality. Through an encompassing variety of events, created by and for its membership, the CSPC seeks to educate, to facilitate consensual open sexual expression and dialog, and to provide a venue for fellowship and community. As proponents of sex positive culture, we believe that the appropriate uses of sex extend beyond reproduction. They include creating personal pleasure, bonding interpersonal relationships, promoting spiritual growth, and enhancing emotional and physical health. In a sex positive world, everyone has the freedom and resources to pursue a fulfilling and empowering sex life.
Founded in 1999, the Center for Sex Positive Culture is a nonprofit, membership-based community center. The Center was a one-of-a-kind organization when it was founded, and remains unique given its nonprofit status and community center architecture.
It was established in a bold attempt to create an environment that was accommodating to sex positive communities and transformative in all areas of human sexuality, and has succeeded in creating that environment.
In the Spring of 2017, the Center was on the verge of closing its doors. The veteran Board of Directors, almost entirely involved in the organization's inception, decided to step down in order to make room for a new generation.
Currently, we are forming digital and in-person spaces for kink, dance, dialogue, and sexy styles of work and play. Our activities are systematically infused with the highest level of integrity and humility.