Words To the Sex Positive community
Allena Gabosch was an amazing person who embodied the movement of Sex Positivity. She touched many, many, many lives, making people feel seen, teaching them and allowing them to be themselves with light and laughter and love on all sides. She was one of the Center for Sex Positive Culture’s founders, our leader, and our spiritual compass for many years. She passed away, on to her next adventure, on 11/25/2020. We will remember her legacy, and honor her with the ways in which we guide her organization into the future. Please join us in lighting a candle, donning a tiara, and eating some bacon in her memory. We will miss you, Allena.
You can find links to video from Allena’s memorial service and her recent appearance on Bawdy Storytelling here.
Photo credit: Jim Duvall photography.