For general feedback regarding CSPC parties and events, please email or fill out the Feedback Form.
Need to report an incident either at a CSPC event or on Discord? Please fill out our confidential Incident Report form.
Event Hosts Contact Information:
Have a request for a scene? Need to know if your scene will need EC approval? Looking to use the stage or other space or equipment? Reach out to the Party Champions directly!
- Fresh Meet:
- PPMT 2.0:
- Myself:
- LaQueer:
- All In:
- Femme Dominion:
- Sense & Sensuality:
Note: Unless you request otherwise, emails sent to CSPC leaders may be shared among the leadership team in order to find you an answer. If you prefer some, or all, of your email not be shared, please make that clear.
Diversity Channel for thoughts and suggestions on improving diversity
General Feedback for the CSPC
Want to Champion a party? Reach out to our Events Director!
Still not sure who to contact? Email
The CSPC holds events at Gallery Erato, which is operated by our sister organization, the Pan Eros Foundation.
Want to talk to us? Come to our board meeting, which is normally held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm PST at Gallery Erato, but is currently being conducted on Zoom. You can view past Board Meetings here.
Learn more about the board, its members, and how to join.
Address: 309 1st Avenue South in Pioneer Square