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Want to help us rebuild the center? Make new friends? Learn new skills? Become a CSPC volunteer! We're hosting a special 3-for-1 Volunteer Orientation from 7pm-9pm at Gallery Erato. This is the first step to becoming a trained volunteer for the organization. You will receive the basic volunteer training, training to perform party Registration, AND you’ll complete the first step towards becoming a party Monitor!

There is no ticket required, just show up. Please join us!

This Volunteer Orientation is being supported by the hosts of the CSPC’S LGBTQ party, La Queer, so folks who identify as LGBTQ are encouraged to attend, especially in advance of the next La Queer party on November 2. For questions about La Queer, email

You must already be a CSPC member and have completed member orientation to become a volunteer. If you are not yet a member but would like to become one in order to volunteer, please attend a CSPC member orientation and start your membership.

6:45 doors open at Gallery Erato - please be prompt, we will start right at 7:00

7-7:30pm Volunteer Orientation

7:30-8:15pm Registration/Monitor Session 1

8:15-9pm Registration/Monitor Session 2