Do you miss the volunteer community? We miss your sexy faces, too. Please join us at the next virtual edition of our monthly volunteer munch at 1 pm.
Please use the following link to attend the munch:
(Zoom Meeting ID: 811 6150 9712, Passcode: 690900)
This virtual munch is for existing volunteers, as well as any who want to volunteer at future CSPC parties. We’ll check in to see how everybody is doing, talk about what we’ve all been up to, and see where the conversation goes from there. We can share concerns, answer questions, and exchange ideas for the CSPC during social distancing. You can even bring a snack or show-and-tell item to make us all jealous. ;-)
The munch will last for an hour, but we can certainly extend it longer if people still want to continue chatting. Please do plan to arrive within the first hour.
Hope to see you there!
P.S. We will not be recording this event. It is against CSPC policy for members to record events. Please be aware that this is an online event and we are unable to prevent other participants from breaking the rules.