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Consent Advocacy Two-Part Training [online]

Event Description

What: Consent Advocacy Two-Part Training

Where: Online

When: Saturday November 11th and 18th from 1:00-4:00pm

Cost: $30 (tiered pricing and limited scholarships available)


We are excited to announce a new training opportunity! As part of our ongoing work to update and expand our consent policy and practice, we have partnered with Consent Academy to create an exclusive Consent Advocacy workshop, just for CSPC volunteers! Why should you participate? To be considered for the Consent Advocate Team and/or to expand your understanding and ability to create and maintain consent culture within our community


This two-part, six-hour course will cover:

  • The expectations and basics of the Consent Advocate role

  • Communication and active listening skills

  • Working with trauma and people caught in acute trauma reactions

  • Consent-Focused Psychological First Aid

  • Bystander intervention and de-escalation skills

  • Supporting those involved in a consent incident 

Yours to keep:

  • Consent Advocate handout and presentation slides


This workshop is intended for those currently volunteering in one or more of the following capacities: Event Coordinator, Monitor, Event Host or Champion, Orientation Leader, DG Host, Tech Host, Team Captain, Discord Mod, Tasting Top, or Board Member. It is a requirement for volunteers who wish to become part of the upcoming Consent Advocate Team. Click here for more information on becoming a Consent Advocate.


This workshop is being offered at a reduced rate. For the same price as attending a CSPC event, ($25-35), this workshop offers information and skills applicable in everyday life, opens the door to enriching volunteer opportunities, and entitles you to add this Consent Academy training to your résumé. There will be a limited number of scholarships available. Click here to apply for a scholarship.


If you have questions or are unavailable on these dates, contact Skitty at The next opportunity for this training will be in early 2024. 

Want to come? Get your tickets online!

Tickets need to be purchased in advance for this two-part training. Registration is limited.