Online Rules & Agreements

Please be aware that you may be removed from the event if you are not following CSPC rules:

  1. Although we are meeting online, the normal CSPC House Rules apply.

  2. All attendees must be at least 18 years of age.

  3. Unless otherwise specified, our online meetings are not play spaces. Please cover your genitals and nipples, and refrain from sexual contact with yourself or others.

  4. Overindulging in mind-altering chemicals can create worrisome behavior. Please do not attend our meetings if you would be too intoxicated to drive safely.

  5. Do not take still photos, screen captures, or otherwise record the meeting video, audio, transcription, or chat text.

  6. Please arrange your space so that others who are not attending the meeting cannot view your screen. Use a headset if non-attendees could overhear the meeting otherwise.

  7. A laptop, phone, or a similar device with a camera may be used to attend the meeting. Do not have any additional devices with cameras visible on screen. You can step away from the screen if you need to use your device.

For your comfort, we endeavor to make this a safe and confidential space. We ask that attendees abide by the following group agreements:


Please do not share information about other attendees that includes identifying factors, either during or after the meeting. You are free to share your own experiences, but it’s not okay to share that somebody was at one of our meetings or what they said there unless that person has expressly given you permission to do so.


Since we are online, we have a limited ability to assure a confidential environment.  We support your need for safety. You may choose a scene name (something different from your legal name) to display on screen and use in introductions. Feel free to disable your video and/or interact via chat if you have privacy concerns regarding your image or voice. Please do not wear costume masks unless there is a theme that includes them, as they can be upsetting to some people.


Introductions are not required, but they are encouraged, and they can be sent via chat text if that is more comfortable for you. Our introductions typically include the name you will go by today, the pronouns you prefer, and any other info you wish to share with the group (e.g. FetLife name).

Giving Consent to Contact

Please do not contact others you meet here unless you have their verbal or written consent. You can indicate your own consent for anyone in the group or for a specific individual to contact you later. Do this by providing your contact info via chat text or verbally, then leave it to others to contact you later if they so desire. Please do not ask others to message you immediately, or in any way solicit them for their contact info.


Munches and discussion groups are intended to be good for you and enjoyable. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with something, please speak up and let us know. We encourage speakers to include trigger warnings as appropriate, but you know better than anybody else where your comfort levels are. Feel free to leave the meeting early or for any kind of breaks you need. For your privacy, please remember to turn off your camera & microphone while you’re on break.

Trigger Warnings

If you’re saying something with potentially triggering content, please be considerate and give a trigger warning (e.g. “this story includes consensual non-consent”) so that others can more easily practice self care.

Hand Signals

To help ensure everyone has a chance to be heard, please use the following hand signals to indicate a desire to speak or to respond non-verbally:

ASL R: Response to the current topic or the desire to introduce a new topic. 

ASL C: Clarifying question for the current speaker.

ASL Sorry = Commiseration, or I feel for you.

ASL All Done = Finished talking.

ASL More = Please expand on that.

ASL Clapping = Awesome!

Point to ears = I can’t hear you/speak louder.

ASL Thank you = Thank you.