Consent Corner 24.07

By Emma Atkinson 

Hello, sassy and sexy readers! Here’s hoping you’re enjoying all of the many gifts that springtime brings. 

We’ve talked before now about the importance of honoring your feelings. Those feelings are there for a reason, and it’s wise to examine them closely. 

If you hear someone tell you that you’re being too sensitive, or other words to that effect, it’s a good time to stop and get more information. Chances are good that you’re being gaslighted — that’s when someone is trying to manipulate you for their own purposes. This manipulation can take the form of leading you to question and eventually distrust your feelings, to their own advantage. 

We’re all entitled to our feelings, and please be very careful when your feelings are minimized or negated. I’m a big fan of Gavin de Becker’s book The Gift of Fear. He notes that the sense of discomfort, of something not being quite right, is a gift that can help keep you safe. Maybe everything is okay and maybe it isn’t. Stop and get more information to help you figure out what’s going on. Bring in supportive friends if you want help untangling a complex situation. 

If you’ve been giving your consent to something and you’re experiencing some uncomfortable feelings, it’s a perfect time to get more information. In fact, most times are the perfect time to get more information — but maybe that’s just me. 

Homework: check out the book The Gift of Fear and other of Gavin deBecker’s writing. Then, please share your thoughts at: You’ll be glad you did.

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma