25th Anniversary

Call for CSPC Mementos and Memories

Hello members! The Center for Sex Positive Culture’s Communications Team is looking ahead to our organization's 25th Anniversary in 2024! We want to put something together to commemorate the history of our wonderful community over its quarter century of celebrating sexuality. As such, we are putting a call to you, our members, to share mementos and memories related to the CSPC over the past 25 years. 

Whether it be photos of old pamphlets, recollections of The Wet Spot, or anything else related to the CSPC over its years, we’d love to have them shared with us so we can curate our collection content that we can draw from for this project! If you have any interest in sharing, please submit your contact information and contributions to [this form link] alongside filling out the associated Content Release Form linked on the form itself. 

We cannot and do not promise that anything shared with us will be guaranteed to be included. Nevertheless, we will do our best and make sure our celebration of our organization’s past is as wonderfully diverse as our membership! Thank you so much, and we look forward to being able to showcase our past as we move toward the future! 

The CSPC Communications Team