
Phase One of the Volunteer Appreciation Program: Event Coordinator Perks

Without Volunteers, there would be no Center for Sex Positive Culture. We are a nonprofit run by Members, for Members.

For quite some time the Board has been working behind the scenes to develop a Volunteer Appreciation Program that takes into account the needs of individual Volunteers as well as the needs of the organization as a whole. Part of the program involves offering Volunteer perks!

Establishing, offering, and implementing perks is a difficult task, especially when factoring in the tax and legal implications to which we are all bound. A comprehensive plan involving perks takes many things into account and requires a multi-prong strategy and cannot be a matter of simply handing out free tickets. 

The Board of Directors passed a motion at the 1/8/25 Board Meeting to implement the first round of perks! This begins a gradual yet immediate rollout. A gradual rollout allows for an expedited initial implementation, provides opportunities to assess its efficacy, and allows for easier adjustments over time. Due to persistent difficulty in staffing Event Coordinator shifts, especially Closing EC shifts, ECs will be the first to receive perks. These perks will be implemented no later than March 1st but retroactive to shifts dating back through to the start of 2025:

Opening EC

  • Free admission to events at which they volunteer

  • Invitations to Volunteer appreciation events

  • Swag distributed at those events

  • Additional swag options

  • 20% off tickets 

  • Free, last-minute entry to one event that has not sold out, for every two events they’ve opened

Closing EC

  • Free admission to events at which they volunteer

  • Invitations to Volunteer appreciation events

  • Swag distributed at those events

  • Additional swag options

  • 20% off tickets

  • Free, last-minute entry to events that have not sold out, equal to one for every event they close

  • Free event coupon code for every shift worked (up to tax limit 3-4 per year)

This is the first in a series of Volunteer benefits the Board intends to implement. Other Volunteer roles will eventually receive perks. These will not be distributed based on a simple, accumulated volunteer hour basis. Instead, some roles and shifts will be weighted to provide greater perks in recognition of Volunteer contribution and to assist in encouraging Volunteers to fill needed shifts. Look for more to come on that throughout 2025. Questions can be directed to Skitty at HRdirector@thecspc.org

Thank you Volunteers!

News From the Board - Event Staffing and Cancellation Policy

The Center for Sex Positive Culture is created for us, by us! We rely on ourselves, as volunteers, to create and run the events we would like to see. If this is news to you, please take a moment to reflect on this fact.

It takes a large number of volunteers working together to create events that run smoothly and are enjoyable for everyone. At the November Board Meeting, the Board formally passed a motion to implement the following policy. It is intended to facilitate adequate event staffing, in an organized, sustainable, and equitable manner.

Beginning January 1, 2025:

  • 72 hours before the start of an event, if the following volunteer roles have not been filled, a final notice and request to fill these roles will go out to the Volunteer Google group and the Discord Volunteer group:

    • Opening EC, Closing EC, NMO Leader, Opening Registration, Middle Registration, and at least one Monitor for both the First and Second shift

  • Any event that does not have all of these volunteer shifts filled within 48 hours of the start of the event, will be canceled. Ticket holders will be issued a coupon code for use at a future event. 

  • If key volunteers cancel their shifts within that 48 hour period, we will do our best to find replacements, or alternatively, fill in using staff who are already signed up. We will not cancel events with less than 48 hours notice unless there is an emergency reason outside of the scope of this policy.

  • No one should sign up in advance for more than one of these essential shifts per event. No one should be expected to volunteer more than is comfortable and sustainable for them. No one will be pressured by leadership or other volunteers to take on a volunteer shift.

Questions or concerns about this policy should be directed to HRdirector@thecspc.org and/or EventsDirector@thecspc.org.

If this article has you thinking it is time to start volunteering, then great! Go to the volunteer page on our website to get started. If you are already a volunteer and you want to take on a new role or responsibility, please contact the appropriate lead:





volunteerliaison@thecspc.org (if you are not sure or you wish to volunteer behind the scenes)

The Frolic Lore: Updates

May 4th Stewardship Day

This Saturday, May 4th, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., we look forward to joining another sex-positive group as well as The Grove’s residents in laughter, elbow grease, and property primping, followed by a Beltane celebration, hot tubbing, and hob-knobbing with new friends! Email frolic@thecspc.org if you have questions not covered by the instructions below.

The Frolic 2024 Stewardship Day! Sign up today!

Once you follow the link to VolunteerLocal, do the simple join process with a chosen name and email.

Sign in if you already have done so.

Then, under the list of Community Service options, choose Stewardship Days and sign up for one or both days! (May 4th, June 16th)

Have You Checked Out the Website?

Presenters and Workshops

You will not believe the program we are laying out for you! Bios, a list of presenters, classes, and class descriptions have been added to the website! OMG, there are only two repeat classes from last year. Every newsletter will spotlight a different presenter. The current issue features Maeve McBride from our sister city to the south! Look at the last newsletter to peruse Ms. J’s classes. What a HOT picture! And there’s a class with FIREBALLS!


The Meal Team is hard at work organizing yummy food for everyone. It’s a difficult job to plan for numerous different diets and palates. They are motivated! Or maybe it’s because we gave them purple aprons…hmmmm! We will release the meal plan on the website as we get closer to camp.


Entertainment has two leads and they are busy giggling under their breath so I can only imagine what they have in store for us! Rumors of a drum circle, campfire singing, a lube slip ‘n’ slide, a quest to follow, float around chit chat by both the leads and attendees! Returning is Taster’s Choice (try it, you might like it), the Swap Meet and Fleeee Market, and more talented folks enthusiastically performing in the Talent Show. I don’t know how we are going to beat someone playing guitar with their dick or a human stripping pole! 

The Grove

The Grove has added four dedicated RV spots and possibly composting toilets.


Many parts of the camp will remain the same. At the same time, we’ve worked hard to create more efficient processes behind the scenes. For example: we have a Logistics team who just tracks and buys “all the things” we need! May we heap all blessings upon Logistics. Not to say that all the other teams aren’t just as amazing! 


Our online ticket registration includes a quick-ish orientation video and asks for all the information we needed to have you fill out last year onsite. You’ll literally drive up to the Loop, park, show your legal identification, get a swag bag, and go find your campsite! We even located a portable toilet behind the Registration booth (The Vault)!

We will also have a virtual Pre-Frolic 411 again so store up those questions for Wednesday July 17, 7-9 p.m.

Redbubble displays all the fantastic swag you can order. Check it out! 

Don’t wait to buy your ticket!

Join in the discussion on Discord and Fetlife


Yep, I said it! Click on the link to be wowed by their awesomeness! The Gaia Yurt was won for $610 at auction! The Soul Yurt is up now and runs through 12 p.m. on May 13.

CSPC Pride 2024 - Call for Volunteers!

Where’s Your Flair? Pride Volunteers Needed! 

It’s May 2 today, and Pride is June 30. Wow! Two short months to work on our 25th Anniversary theme, source decorations, recruit marchers, build a float, and show up to share in the ecstasy of energy that is Seattle Pride. We are looking for a few people to help with the prep work and the day of execution. This includes the Tabling Organizers for Saturday and Sunday, Tabling Representatives, Float Lead, Float Decorations Lead, and Parade Marchers Lead. Email Pride@thecspc.org to express interest or ask questions.

The Frolic 2024 - Call for Volunteers

The Frolic - Facilities Co-Lead

The Department Leads are the pillars of success when it comes to this annual Frolic summer event. The Facilities department maintains the property, orders equipment and helps our Setup/Strike department with assembly/take down, collaborates with the venue owners and other departments to ensure a smooth relay for all, and more. We are looking for our second Co-Lead to volunteer with the pre-planning and 20 on-site hours and in return, you’ll be given free admission to the event. Our Leads never ride solo, so you’ll also have the guidance of your Frolic Directors and a veteran Frolic volunteer who led Facilities previously. If you’re self-motivated, have confident negotiating skills, and can lead a team, we invite you to join our team! Fill out this two-minute questionnaire and follow up with an email to frolicfacilities@thecspc.org so we can discuss this amazing opportunity! 

The Frolic - Registration Co-Lead

Hello Future Frolic Volunteer!! 

My name is Carter and I am the Registration Co-Lead for The Frolic 2024 event. I am excited to be working with The Frolic team this year with planning and getting the behind-the-scenes ready!! We currently have an opening for another Registration Co-Lead! If you are someone who is dedicated to the CSPC and likes planning, please fill out this two-minute questionnaire and follow up with an email to frolicregistration@thecspc.org so we can discuss this amazing opportunity! We will be very happy to have you!!

Join Turtle and Mina, 2024 Frolic Co-Directors, at the next monthly virtual meeting on April 18th at 7:15 p.m.! 

The CSPC is a volunteer-based organization and we wouldn't be able to do all these fun events without our members donating their time to help create this space for their community. We're looking for folx with active CSPC memberships who may be interested in becoming a Frolic volunteer for leadership positions, web designers, presenters, etc.

Interested but have questions? Please join us! You do not need to register in advance, just click the Zoom link below when it's time for the meeting. 

The Frolic Team meets virtually every third Thursday at 7:15 p.m. As we get closer to the event, we'll add on additional meeting times.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Volunteers are required to complete our self-service “Volunteer Orientation.” Click here to start the process!

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157


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Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kwHl1L8Ig

More Volunteer Opportunities - SEAF 2024

So many of you are so wonderful at stepping up to volunteer for CSPC parties, online discussions, and innumerable behind-the-scenes tasks. And there are even more ways to spread that joy in the sex- and kink-positive world in Seattle! The Seattle Erotic Art Festival is happening from April 26-28 and they LOVE volunteers. 

Click here to read about the perks of being a SEAF volunteer and the positions that are still available!


What makes the magic happen? The Frolic Leads and Core Volunteers! These volunteers commit several hours to the pre-planning and logistics for 149 attendees as well as 20 hours volunteering on-site during the event itself! Didn’t realize so much work went into the magic, did you? Well, to express a heartfelt thank you for that kind of dedication, the reward is free admission to The Frolic! 

Calling all volunteers: We need your help. Do you have leadership qualities? Do you like to think out of the box? Join our team as a Facilities Lead, Meal Lead, Registration Lead, or Entertainment Lead. Want to help but don’t want to attend the Frolic? Let us give you information on how that works.

Join Turtle and Mina, 2024 Frolic Co-Directors, tonight for the monthly virtual meeting on March 21 at 7:15 p.m.! If you can’t join the meeting, you can reach us at frolic@thecspc.org.

The CSPC is a volunteer-based organization and we wouldn't be able to do all these fun events without our members donating their time to help create this space for their community. We're looking for folx with active CSPC memberships who may be interested in becoming a Frolic volunteer for leadership positions, web designers, presenters, etc.

Interested but have questions? Please join us! You do not need to register in advance, just click the Zoom link below when it's time for the meeting. 

The Frolic Team meets virtually every third Thursday at 7:15 p.m. As we get closer to the event, we'll add on additional meeting times.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Volunteers are required to complete our self-service “Volunteer Orientation.” Click here to start the process!


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157


One tap mobile

+12532158782,,84807638157# US (Tacoma)

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Dial by your location

• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

• +1 253 205 0468 US

• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

• +1 719 359 4580 US

• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

• +1 669 444 9171 US

• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

• +1 305 224 1968 US

• +1 309 205 3325 US

• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

• +1 360 209 5623 US

• +1 386 347 5053 US

• +1 507 473 4847 US

• +1 564 217 2000 US

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 646 931 3860 US

• +1 689 278 1000 US

Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kwHl1L8Ig

[REVISED] The Frolic: 2024 Teaser & Presenters

SAVE THE DATE: August 6-11, 2024

In just a few short months, we will be hidden away with more than a hundred of our closest friends. Soaking up the sunshine, absorbing new skills, cuddling and laughing by firelight among the trees…It’s The Frolic 2024! Bigger, better, and so bougie! The theme is Questing for Paradise. You cannot predict how your quest for your inner/outer compass may change the direction of your journey.

A limited number of Early Bird tickets go on sale March 28, so watch for the flares to light up your media. VIP yurts will be auctioned off as well and they are so WOW! There will be a hot tub, indoor dungeon, outdoor play space, and six days of fantastical community on our own private field of dreams! 

Stay tuned! 

The Frolic Team

Need assistance to attend? Volunteer 10-20 hours during the event! Email frolic@thecspc.org

Call For Frolic Presenters!

The Frolic 2024 is accepting applications for presenters through April 3!

Anyone 18+ can attend! Tickets go on sale March 28. Keep an eye out on our website!

We encourage all levels of classes. We are planning to offer not only 101 classes but a variety of unusual advanced topics as well. Get your application in early, click here to apply! Up to eight class submissions allowed. 

  • Teach 1 class: pay $275 [First Tier pricing]

  • Teach 2 classes: pay $162.50 [Half off Third Tier pricing]

  • Teach 3 classes: FREE ticket upon approval

  • Non-member presenters will receive a gratuitous month of CSPC membership

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3

Selection Date: Wednesday, April 10

Notification Date: Monday, April 15

Once we notify you that your submission(s) has/have been selected, you have one week to accept. And even if your idea isn't selected this round, we’ll keep a record of it for future opportunities. 

Questions? Email our Education Co-Leads at froliceducation@thecspc.org 


Even though we’re months away from the event itself, The Frolic team is working hard behind-the-scenes to launch Early Bird tickets this month!

If this is your first time hearing about The Frolic, one thing that’s different about this event than other CSPC events is that all attendees commit to a community volunteer shift. Want the opportunity to volunteer for registration or security? We’re hosting our next virtual training on March 11 from 7-9 p.m. for active CSPC members who have completed the Volunteer Orientation!

Join Turtle and Mina, 2024 Frolic Co-Directors, at the next monthly virtual meeting on March 21 at 7:15 p.m.! 

The CSPC is a volunteer-based organization and we wouldn't be able to do all these fun events without our members donating their time to help create this space for their community. We're looking for folx with active CSPC memberships who may be interested in becoming a Frolic volunteer for leadership positions, web designers, presenters, etc.

Interested but have questions? Please join us! You do not need to register in advance, just click the Zoom link below when it's time for the meeting. 

The Frolic Team meets virtually every third Thursday at 7:15 p.m. As we get closer to the event, we'll add on additional meeting times.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Volunteers are required to complete our self-service “Volunteer Orientation.” Click here to start the process!


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157


One tap mobile

+12532158782,,84807638157# US (Tacoma)

+12532050468,,84807638157# US


Dial by your location

• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

• +1 253 205 0468 US

• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

• +1 719 359 4580 US

• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

• +1 669 444 9171 US

• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

• +1 305 224 1968 US

• +1 309 205 3325 US

• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

• +1 360 209 5623 US

• +1 386 347 5053 US

• +1 507 473 4847 US

• +1 564 217 2000 US

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 646 931 3860 US

• +1 689 278 1000 US

Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kwHl1L8Ig