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Consent Corner 1.10

By Emma Atkinson and Rachel Drake

Welcome back, dear readers, to our ongoing journey through the world of consent. Consent maven Rachel Drake is our wise and wonderful guide.

December, for many of us, signals the start of many holiday celebrations. How can we celebrate in 2020? We’re glad you asked.

You may need to negotiate or decline invitations this year to protect your well-being. How can you do that with respect and grace?

Others may need to negotiate or decline an invitation that you’ve offered. How can you do that gracefully?

What if you have multiple partners? How do power dynamics influence your discussions? How are you defining your family?

The good news is that we have an opportunity to dig deep into our understanding of how consent is present in our lives. We get to find out where our lines for autonomy are. We get to consider what we need and want for our mind, body, and spirit. We get a clearer understanding of what our significant others need and want, too.

The better news is that we have the freedom to practice communicating with honesty and integrity. When we state our needs and wants and truly listen to others, we can create an agreement for the holidays and beyond.

Here’s a tip: start these conversations early. Give yourself and others time to ponder an agreement. You may want to sleep on the questions or discuss them with others. Take all the time you need. Consider the agreement an open document, subject to revision as life shifts around us.

Holidays offer us an opportunity to exercise compassion for ourselves and others. Actually, every day offers us that opportunity, and there’s never a better time than the present to start the practice. So, let’s get on it!

Got holiday wishes or questions for us? Let us know at