Leadership Spotlight: Meet Jadzia!
This is the nineteenth of our spotlights on community members who volunteer with the CSPC in leadership positions. In this issue, we’ve asked some questions to get a deep and personal look at our super-volunteer and Party Co-Champion of the All In! Pan Party (coming next Friday, May 27!) and LaQueer, Jadzia Quacks.
Name and/or scene name:
Jadzia Quacks
How do you identify (this can include gender, sexual orientation, kink or BDSM roles, etc.)?
Trans and Queer for gender and orientation. Kinkster is the best one word for my Kink and bdsm roles, though I am always exploring, always questioning.
How long have you been with the CSPC?
I became a member in 2018
What brought you here and what are your main areas of interest?
I had some experience with kink before before coming out as Trans and Queer, and before moving to Seattle, so I wanted to find play partners and community. More so I wanted to explore what sex, intimacy, and kink meant to me as a person who is Queer and Trans. I came to the Center for Sex Positive Culture because it advertised itself as a space that was body pody positive, sex positive, and inclusive of all gender expressions. I was not disappointed.
I enjoy impact play as a top or bottom. I like to push (firmly but slowly) at the edges of my comfort zone in regards to sex and intimacy. I also get off on helping others to explore their own understandings of those topics.
As Co-Champion of LaQueer and All In! I can be reached at LaQueer@thecspc.org or Allin@thecspc.org. I don’t have an official title with the Center, but I have at one time or another covered every position at an in-person event. Along with some others, I Champion LaQueer and the All In! Pan Party. I also co-host the Queer discussion group that meets online.
What was your path to your current position?
I started volunteering as a way to get into parties for free. It also gave me a reason to stand around and not feel awkward for standing around. I kept trying different roles as a way to push at the edges of my comfort zone and force myself to have some responsibility and accountability. When Sadie and Sakari were stepping back from hosting the All In! Pan Party, I took over co-Championing duties with another volunteer. Out of a need to secure an EC for that party, I took the steps to become certified for that role. Then when LaQueer was getting started again, people who were interested reached out to me and we made the party happen. Other than getting in for free, I like to volunteer because I like to help others have a space to explore as I did; and because I have never been the only Trans person at a CSPC party, I wanted to reinforce that visibility for myself and others.
Which CSPC event is your favorite and why?
LaQueer and All In! were my favorites before I became a lead in making them happen, and they still are. I love Fresh Meet because I am a Tasting Top there, and that party gives me the chance to help introduce new people to impact play as well as consent and negotiation. I have a lot of fun at Myself! and Power Play Mixed Tape as well.
Career or day job (industry, position, or whatever you're comfortable sharing):
Video editing/graphic design.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Try to spend time with friends, build community, hunt for pervertables, learn more about kinky stuff.
Living situation (partners, roommates, pets, plants):
I live with two roommates and one cat, who occasionally lets me pet him.
Something no one would ever guess about you or a fun fact:
I was born 9 months and 1 day after my parents were married.
Turn-ons and/or squicks:
I love impact play, topping or bottoming. I find anyone who owns themselves to be sexy. I have only encountered a few things that squick me out, but I wonder if they will continue to do so over time.
Hopes and concerns for the CSPC and/or the greater sex positive community:
I just hope we keep the spreading the ideas of sex positivity, body positivity and consent culture, in whatever situation we find ourselves.
Advice for a new member or volunteer:
Spend some time deciding on what you want, and what is possible. Determine your boundaries and what zones of comfort exist around those boundaries. Don’t ever forget you have the ability to stop doing what you are doing.
How can we build up each other? How can we be here for one another?
I think we need to define and maintain healthy boundaries, within ourselves and with others. I believe that doing that promotes healthy communities where we together or as individuals can be our true selves.
Huge gratitude from the CSPC to Jadzia and our other volunteers! Interested in supporting your CSPC community by joining in the volunteer action? You can learn more and begin the volunteering process with the online orientation at https://thecspc.org/volunteering.