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The Frolic: Transformational Experiences


By a Good Bun

What words do I use to communicate The Frolic?

Prior, it was a favor for a friend

Post, it was a community of friends.

Who am I?

            Prior, a girl, fresh into womanhood and full of shame

Post, a woman proud, sexy and full of determination.

What do I want?

                    Prior, I feel what I feel. I want you to know. But you cannot, you will not Want it

Post, I ask you. You tell me. I get what I want because I am worth it.

Ask me, I might!

Will this fade?

Prior, I am drifting, chasing the Void and periling my own well being

Post, I am not sure. I hope to be permanently changed.

Post, I know the truth will be much harder.

Post, I will get what I want because I am worth it.

My Frolic Transformation

By Bridgette

I spent a whole week in a relative paradise. I didn't notice anyone being reticent or avoidant. More, I *felt* like at no point was I looked down upon for being dressed as I wanted to. I introduced myself as Bridgette, and meant it without it being in the back of my mind that they needed or were entitled to my still legal name. I worked security without pants. Panties or skirt out. I walked around with my backpack with a bikini top. At no point did I feel like someone was uncomfortable around me. At this point, it almost doesn't matter if I was oblivious and someone was. In the area and time of Frolic, I was me without fear. Real life now gets me with a new level of confidence. Without much remorse or sympathy for people that wish to not notice or see me. They now get to deal with it. This buzz may fade, and my old caution may return, but it hasn't yet!

The Frolic spurred many deep, often intense, discussions between partners, friends, and people who would no longer be strangers. Paradigms shifted. This entry is from an anonymous source after one such conversation. —Turtle

By Anonymous

In an emotional transmission, one of my partners asserted that, among other things, she did not want to be my wife.

In the hours that followed, I realized that I do want a wife. I want a primary nesting partner, an anchor, someone with whom to mutually share the full threads of our existence. I want us to always know where the other is, when we expect to hear from them next, and when relevant, what is for dinner.

I am grateful for what I share with my partner, and for the realization about myself that she spurred in me.

Some lessons are very hard. I am still grateful. If something is true, then I want to know. Especially if it is about myself or a loved one.

To my partner: I love you, babygirl. <3