the CSPC

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Frolic 2025 Hiatus

The Frolic, a week-long camping event traditionally held in August, is going to be on hiatus for 2025. This event is a massive undertaking, requiring very dedicated Directors and a large volunteer team to work on putting it together for months prior to the event and a lot of hard work during the event to ensure it goes smoothly. In 2025 we don’t have any past Frolic Directors able to run this team, and frankly it’s too large of a project at this point to leave to unseasoned volunteers. 

There will be work done on The Frolic this year, however—we will be reviewing documentation from last year and taking some time to work on ways we can make the event more sustainable and able to be recreated. The Board is in full support of The Frolic team taking this year to regroup and make The Frolic even better going forward.

We’re sad to not be holding this incredible event in 2025, but we also recognize the need to take a step back and put some further structure in place before holding The Frolic again. Any questions or concerns about this can be directed to the CSPC feedback form, where comments are reviewed by volunteers on a regular basis.