Top Ten Benefits of Being Solo Polyamorous During a Pandemic

By Mistress 7

As I look back on the lessons learned from My past year in various stages of lockdown, one thing becomes apparent: living apart from partners during this time is difficult. It’s especially difficult for those of us who have been living with none of our partners and miss our accustomed time with many beloveds.

But, every cloud has a silver lining. Here are some of My positive take-aways from spending the past year in pandemic as a solo poly person:

10. You’re not afraid of spending time by yourself.

9. You already live with your primary partner, and they make or buy all the meals for you.

8. You were already good at talking to people about viruses and risk.

7. Not having as much sex has given you a chance to stop neglecting your hobbies.

6. After a year stuck at home, some of your cohabitating friends finally get what you mean by wanting personal space.

5. New thing to shout during sex: “Are you coming? Press spacebar, I think you’re on mute!”

4. No longer going out on dates saves you more money than most people.

3. Forget three-ways – with Zoom you can get 49 on a page!

2. You already had a year’s supply of medical gloves.

1. With all this personal autonomy, there’s no limit to the number of people you can’t see.