Consent Corner 2.14

by Emma Atkinson and Rachel Drake 

Hello again, sexy and sassy readers!  We hope you’re keeping it real, today and always.

We’ve been pondering the nature of authenticity recently, as we’ve had occasion to participate in events that more traditionally appeal to a younger demographic than yours truly.  Has this ever happened to you:  you’re somewhere and suddenly you feel different from others around you?  Maybe you belong to a different race or gender.  Maybe your cultural background or sexual orientation is different from almost everyone else’s.  Maybe you’re: younger, older, wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, wearing a veil, or “fill in the blank here.”  Have you ever felt like an outsider or thought that you might not belong there?  

In our view, authenticity means that you’re showing up in the world as your true self.  You know who you are and who you aren’t.  You’re aware of what you like and what you don’t like quite as much.  Authenticity is keeping it real.  

You don’t owe the world or anyone else any more or less than that.  When you show up in the world as your authentic self, you give the world a chance to adore you just as you are.  And, how amazing is that?  

Consent agreements work when all participants are true to themselves.  Good consent happens when real people are involved in the process.  And, where there’s good consent, good pleasure almost always follows. 

Homework:  please practice keeping it real, and share your real experiences with us (for real) at:

“Be excellent to each other” - Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other” - Emma and Rachel