Stewardship Day Tomorrow, August 5--Join Us!

Awesome CSPC Members! 

Register for The Frolic stewardship day on the CSPC event page.

Date: Saturday, August 5 

Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 

Payment: free meal for you + jokes, smiles, and camaraderie 

Our own Frolic Stewardship opportunity in Buckley at Grove Getaways will be Saturday, Aug 5 and they will feed us! I just need to tell them how many to expect so they have enough food to feed everyone. 

Not registered for The Frolic (yet)? No problem! All are welcome at the stewardship event! You can scope out the space and then buy your tickets - and start scheming your Frolic shenanigans while you work! 

Please register on the event page to receive all the necessary information and make sure we can plan appropriately for dinner! 

This is outdoor work: cleaning, landscaping, building etc., to each person's capacity. Bring gloves, a water bottle, and wear "get dirty" clothes (not that kind, the other kind). The event starts around 9:30–10 a.m. Stay as long as you are able. Feel free to bring your own tools, but make sure they have your name on them. 

These are amazing people and you are sure to have a good time. You will leave tired in body but reenergized in spirit! 

Sign up today! 

Thank you! 

Larry & The Frolic Team