Frolic Discord

The More You Know!

Are you wondering where all the active members are posting, if not on Fetlife? Where are we sharing titillating thoughts, planning scenes for events, and just gabbing about our interests?

Did you know that we have a Frolic-specific channel on the CSPC Discord server?

If you are a CSPC member with an active membership, you can join the server by clicking on the Discord link on the bottom of our CSPC website. Renew your membership today on the Membership Portal to join! 

How to Become a Member?

1. Virtual New Member Orientation + Virtual Munch

This is hosted every 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm. 

2. New Member Orientation + In-Person Event

We host several in-person events every month in Pioneer Square and before each one is the orientation that allows new members to participate in the event happening that evening. 

Check out our Events page for more information!