News from the Board - Community Matters


Join us in creating a Community Director Nomination Committee!

The CSPC Board of Directors is really excited to announce that we’re reviving the Community Director role! There are two Community Director spots, and they will be fully functioning Board members who are elected in by the membership at large, and who will serve 12-month terms. The idea is that these positions will enable the membership to choose who they want to represent them on the Board, and as such we want the whole process to be defined and owned by you. 

To facilitate these positions being filled, we need a Nomination Committee of at least five active members. Initially, your job will be to work together to figure out how the Committee will function, and then you’ll move on to defining the nomination process for Community Directors. Once the groundwork is laid, the Committee will gather nominations, hold elections, and deliver the results to the Board. This will become a standing Committee with work to be done year-round, but you all know that many hands make light work! 

Disclaimers: members of the Nomination Committee will be ineligible to run for a Community Director position while they are on the Committee and for six months afterwards. It is our intention that Committee meetings are open to the wider membership so that folks can watch what’s happening if they so choose, however Committee members are able to join virtual meetings off-camera and with the name of their choice.

If you are interested in being a part of the Community Director Nomination Committee, or if you have questions about participating, please email