Call for Community Resource Articles

Hi all, Ari here (your Communications Director). I’ve been hearing a call for more community resources to be made available online around various topics including how to vet play partners, ways to practice consent, and sexual health. I want to take this opportunity to tap into the vast knowledge of this community and start building that up! To that end, I want to start collecting articles written by the CSPC membership, for the CSPC membership (and also people who happen to come across our website). 

If you have a topic that you’re knowledgeable on, an experience you had (good or bad) and how you dealt with it, or any information that you think could serve the community, please write it up and send it to If you’ve written up any extensive responses to questions on Discord and just want to copy and paste that into an article, do that!  


A name of your choosing will be attached to the piece, and it will live on our website and appear in the next newsletter following the submission’s approval. Please don’t name anyone other than yourself in these pieces (Person A and Person B are great ways to anonymize stories!). As consent is revocable, if an article of yours is posted and you want us to remove it, just email and we’ll take it down within three days. 

Questions? Comments? Email!