News — the CSPC

Community Matters

Operations Director Transition

7 is no longer able to serve the number of hours required to serve as the Operations Director in an unpaid capacity. Therefore, we must re-allocate those duties, including training new volunteers to perform these essential tasks. 

The Board has approved a paid six-month contract role for 7 to continue carrying out these essential CSPC operations duties, train volunteers in these duties, and contribute to the needs assessment process that may result in the creation of a long term contracted paid position to take on essential CSPC operating duties. During this time, 7 is taking a leave of absence from the Board to avoid any conflicts of interest.

Operations volunteers, we need you! This area manages all the CSPC’s IT infrastructure, facilities management, and oversight of our finances. If you have skills in any of these areas (or you’re excited to learn!), please email our HR Director at More specific calls for volunteer assistance related to this transition will be advertised in the coming months.

Thank you for all the ways your contributions of money, time, and energy help make the hotness happen! Our community wouldn’t exist without YOU.

Masking policy

When the Board last discussed the mandatory masking policy in April, we announced that we would be revisiting this decision by September (see more details of that decision-making process here). As we are seeing a new wave of Covid infections and we’re entering flu season, we will not be changing the masking policy at this time. The Board will next revisit this topic in February. 

The Board is considering advice from The People’s CDC in our policy decisions: we are continuing to use mandatory KN95 masking, and we’re looking into improving air filtration as an added protection in our crowded indoor environment. The Board is also working to create more avenues for civil member discussion of this topic, possibly including a dedicated Discord channel set to “slow mode” to discuss establishing science-based criteria for eventually making masking optional at some or all events.

Online Discussion Groups

Don’t forget our online discussion groups!

The CSPC is so much more than just live parties. We have many online forums to connect, question, and discover. Not seeing what you want to discuss? Contact us and help us form a discussion group that is important to you!

All discussion groups run for one to two hours, and are FREE for members. Simply register within the membership portal.

Below the Slash: submissive Discussion Group

When: second Tuesday

Time: 7 p.m.

What: Come talk about your subby side!

BIPOC Discussion Group

When: first Thursday

Time: 7 p.m.

What: A space for BIPOC folks across the kink, gender, sexuality, and neurodiversity spectrums!

Community Munch

When: second Thursday

Time: 8 p.m. (Thursday)

What: Connect and explore with others in the community while maintaining a safe distance. Tell a story, show and tell, ask questions!

Finding Your Way

When: first or second Monday

Time: 7 p.m.

What: Come talk over your experiences and find your path in the CSPC community!

More Amore: A Consensual Nonmonogamy Discussion

When: second Sunday

Time: 3 p.m.

What: Explore the practicalities and possibilities of consensual nonmonogamy with members of the community. Ask questions, share experiences, find resources, and develop new friendships.

Neurodivergent Discussion Group

When: first Sunday and fourth Tuesday

Time: 5 p.m. (Sunday) and 7 p.m. (Tuesday)

What: Using communication styles unique to the neurodivergent population, we’ll explore the world of kink in a comfortable and inclusive environment.

The Queer Discussion Group

When: first Tuesday

Time: 8 p.m.

What: A discussion group for and by Queers!

S/switch Discussion Group

When: third Tuesday

Time: 7 p.m.

What: Come talk about your S/switch-y side with fellow switches!

Broaden Your Mind 9.7.23

Other Community Events to Enjoy!

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in the first issue each month. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

SEA-PAH: Meet & Sniff Social

September 8 (free | in person)

Come be social during SEA-PAH's monthly Meet & Sniff! Meet up with some old friends, make some new ones, and join with other members of the Pack as we invade CC's Seattle.

Kremwerk: T4T All Trans and Non-Binary Drag Show

September 9 ($17 | in person)

T4T is the longest running by and for all transgender and non-binary produced and casted drag show in Seattle, a one of a kind celebration of trans drag artists. T4T is a place for trans folks to enjoy drag, enjoy gender euphoria, find community, and be with people who understand them.

Sex-Positive World: Neurobiology of Trauma

September 10 ($0–25 | online)

This workshop will shed light on how stress and trauma can alter brain functioning during sexual assaults and other traumatic experiences. We’ll look at the impairment of the prefrontal cortex, the activation of the defense circuitry and the display of reflexes and habits harbored by us for centuries.

Abbey Arts: How to have more intimate friendships

September 12 ($35 | in person)

Want to spark connection with others and have deep conversations proven to help you experience more fulfilling human connections? Join us!

Sex-Positive World: Worldwide Orientation

September 17 ($0–25 | online)

Come get oriented to more Sex Positive World in a fun, safe, and welcoming environment! You will be greeted by the leadership of Sex Positive World at the beginning of this meet up and also spend time with leadership supporting events in your own area of the world.

Consent Academy: Foundations of Consensual Kink

September 19 ($25–45 | online)

Foundations of Consensual Kink will cover the basics of consent for kink, exploring what you need to know about kinky spaces, giving guidance on how to negotiate, and introducing steps on how to be accountable if things go wrong.

Pan Eros: Walk All Over Me - Trampling 101

September 20 ($22 | in person)

Whether you love the idea of walking all over your partner or being the one stepped on, this is the class for you! We’ll cover some basic techniques to minimize the likelihood of harm, discuss appropriate footwear (or lack thereof), and offer suggestions on how to add other kinks into the mix to spice up your trampling session.

Papaya Project: Sex Trivia

September 27 ($10–20 | in person)

Trivia questions will cover a wide variety of sex and sexuality-related topics, so get ready to challenge yourself, learn something new, and have a good time. There will be PRIZES for the winning teams!

Beacon Cinema: The Defilers

September 29 ($13.12 | in person)

Everything they touch is stained! The Defilers are Carl and Jameison, a pair of sadistic beatniks who spice up their boring lives by imprisoning an innocent young woman (the "mouth-watering 20-year-old Scandinavian screen find" Mai Jansson) in the basement of an abandoned building. A quintessential "roughie," The Defilers is a stylishly squirm-inducing shocker from exploitation film legends David F. Friedman and R. Lee Frost.

Seattle Leather Service Corps: FFuck Yeah - Intermediate Guide to Fisting

September 30 - (donation | in person)

This in-person lecture-style class and 20-30 minute fisting demo briefly covers the basics of (anal) fisting and then goes into more detail about techniques, tips & tricks, pacing, coming down and ending a fisting scene. The class time has been extended to allow for a longer demo where the instructor and demo partner will dive “deeper.” The focus will be less on how to take a fist or put one in for the first time, and more on what to do once inside.

Seattle Queer Film Festival - Early Bird Passes on Sale

October 12–29 ($100+ | in person and virtual)

The 28th Annual Seattle Queer Film Festival runs October 12-22 (in-person) and October 22-29 (virtual) in venues in Capitol Hill and Columbia City, with virtual reach including Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. Our theme for this year’s festival is “Queer Joy Is Cinematic”, while we also explore what ‘queer joy’ means to all members of our community, recognizing we must fight and exist in equal measure.

Putting the "Culture" in Sex-Positive Culture

by Teeebone

Did you know that there is more to the CSPC than parties and events where members can have sex? I mean sure, that’s a big chunk of it, but this organization does have other activities. Let us examine the “culture” part of sex positive culture shall we? The earliest record of cultural events I could find were from a schedule dated July of 2002. It referred to the existence of two different events: The No Safeword Writers Group and Red Hot Words and More. Evidence would suggest that both events had been going on since the earliest days of the Center.

The No Safeword Writers Group first formed in 1995 to support erotica writers in the Pacific Northwest. In the year 2000 they got a slot in the CSPC’s monthly schedule to be on the fourth Monday of the month. The description of the group is as follows:

In case you're wondering, it's easy to be a member of the No Safeword Writers Group. You just have to:

1. Have written something at least once. Emailing me for directions counts.

2. Come to a meeting.

3. Respect yourself … along with other people and their writing.

It's as easy as that! However, a sincere interest in writing erotica helps too, along with a desire to improve your writing skills by getting real-time feedback from actual readers … who are also writers themselves.

Frequently Given Answers (FGA) about No Safeword Writers Group:

* We function primarily as a critique group; though we do periodically explore other areas of the writing industry, such as publications and performance readings.

* You do not have to read your work out loud, but you may if you wish.

* You do not have to be a professional writer. Anyone who likes to write or is even just thinking about writing is welcome. Want to write something hot for your favorite person? We'll help you make it the best it can be. Got an idea for a book or a story, but you haven't started writing it yet? No problem. Bring your outline to a meeting, and let's talk about its potential and how to flesh it out.

* If you want a critique on your writing, you need to provide us with copies in advance so that we can give you the best feedback. This can be accomplished in two ways.

You can:

1) bring printed copies of your work to this month's meeting … for people to take home and review before next month's meeting. Clean, double-spaced copies printed at 12-pt font (14-pt is even better) is the preferred method, no more than 20 pages in length (if you have more, just break it into sections for consecutive meetings). It's a good idea to also bring a few additional copies to the meeting when your work is scheduled for review, just in case there are new people in attendance.

2) email your story/selection for review to the NSWG Yahoo group at least 2 weeks before the meeting (to give people time to print their own copy and review your work), and then bring a few additional copies to the meeting for new people or those without printers. Note: you will probably not get as much feedback using this method, since you're putting more work on your readers this way (and asking them to spend their hard-earned money on printer paper), but it works as a good second alternative to the preferred method. You must attend a NSWG meeting before you will be invited to join the Yahoo Group.

* Attending one NSWG meeting might be a fun evening that provides you with a few interesting ideas, but those who commit to attend meetings on a regular basis will gain the most benefit from the group.

* If it happens that we have no writing to review at a particular meeting, then we'll do writing exercises or discuss topics important to local writers.

* No Safeword Writers Group focuses on erotic writing, but all subjects, styles, and types of writing are welcome.

* You do not have to be a member of The Wet Spot to attend

Let's get writing!

The No Safeword Writers Group ran in its assigned slot for years, and at some point (around 2008) it was able to expand to two meetings a month, on second Sundays. They continued these twice monthly meetings till late 2013 when the event was dropped from the schedule.

Red Hot Words and More was a monthly performance event held the first Wednesday of the month from 8-10pm. It was an evening of scintillating and explicit performance by some of the most talented writers in Seattle. Each month they would bring in two (or more) featured performers—talented artists whose works were guaranteed to get a rise out of you (or leave you stuck to your seat). Details about the month's performance were noted in the schedule, and they welcomed fresh talent, encouraging folx to bring their comedy routines, improv bits, naughty songs, and rough drafts. Keep in mind that it was not an open mic type of event. You had to email the staff to sign up in advance or show up at 8:45 PM knowing that you may have to wait until the next month.

In late 2007, the CSPC acquired the Annex, and Red Hot Words and More came up with an ambitious plan: a monthly stage show for the new space. Throughout 2008, the crew worked on their new project, but they encountered many problems because it’s more difficult to put together a stage production. Managing the acting talent and stage crew (all volunteers), building a stage, and making the stage ADA compliant were just a few of the challenges. By the end of the year it became apparent that the project had stalled and the team disbanded.

Now let’s fast forward to April 23, 2022 … the day that Wicked Wordplay: A Sex-Positive Writing and Reading Group debuted! This online discussion group is described as follows:

Mmmmmm … Saucy stories! Pervalicious poetry! Erotic essays! Naughty notes! Give us all your Wicked Wordplay!

Come join in sensual and sexual co-writing and reading time with facilitators Chel and Eirikah, tech host Turtle, and our supportive online community on fourth Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Pacific time. Please arrive promptly.

Each session will begin with a review of our group agreements and the CSPC Online Group rules, followed by 30 minutes of co-writing time. We’ll provide a prompt to get your creative juices flowing—or you can work on the sexy writing project of your choice!

For the second hour, we invite writers to share 5 to 10 minutes of their verbal hotness and imagination with the group. If our group is too large to accommodate all the writers who choose to read, our breakout rooms create more capacity for connection. We’ll close each session with a few minutes of conversation about writing-focused topics.

Wicked Wordplay will NOT provide dedicated workshopping time—we focus on parallel writing within virtually shared (if physically separate) environments, then indulging in the pleasures of sexy storytime.

If you choose to share your writing, you can request to receive appreciation only, brief constructive comments via chat, or more detailed critiques in a shared Google doc.

All sex-positive writers and readers/listeners are welcome. Come celebrate your unique sensual and sexual experience by writing and reading with us.

Don’t fancy yourself a writer, but love to be teased and tantalized by wicked wordplay? Join us! You can use our co-writing time to journal, compose love notes to your honey (or yourself!), or just doodle your daydreams, then sit back and enjoy listening to the group’s reading. You might even surprise yourself and decide to read sometime!

As you can see, there are some similarities with Wicked Wordplay and the No Safeword Writers Group, though Wicked Wordplay is clearly more grounded in the present-day era of the internet and personal computers, with meetings held on Zoom and composition done on Google documents or on an Office Suite-type program at home. As for the vibe, imagine a full-on XXX creative writing class for adults only. By the way, some of the contributors were chosen to read their works at SEAF earlier this year! Congratulations to those folx! Some other contributors participated in the Talent Show at Frolic this year too. Personally, I have enjoyed my involvement with this online discussion group, which has helped me become a better writer. Thanks to all who helped bring culture to our sex-positive culture organization!

Community Matters

Volunteer News

Huge gratitude for all the volunteers who helped make The Frolic an event to remember–and that includes all our participants! Everyone stepped up to work at least one shift setting up, helping in the kitchen, working security, checking the Honey Buckets, picking up trash, facilitating orientation, assisting with workshop setup, striking all our equipment… it took a village to make that sexy village happen!

Ready to take your volunteering to the next level? Join us for Registration and Monitor Volunteer Training via Zoom on September 6! Registration will be taught 7-8 p.m. and Monitor training will be 8-9 p.m. at the same link. 

Not yet a volunteer? Complete your online volunteer orientation and application here to become part of the team that makes the hotness happen! There are plenty of ways to volunteer at parties and behind the scenes.

Board News

A new slate of officers and Directors of the CSPC’s functional areas was voted in at the August meeting. We are pleased to welcome the following Board members to these roles:


  • President: Eirikah

  • Vice President: Jadzia

  • Secretary: 7

  • Treasurer: MaryAnne

Functional Area Directors

  • Communications Director: Mina (newsletter; social media; Discord; website content; other marketing)

  • Events Director: Jadzia (event planning and execution; volunteer training and event staffing)

  • HR Director: Skitty (volunteer and member services; consent advocacy; incident reporting; conflict resolution)

  • Operations Director: 7 (facilities; finance; technology including website, database management, ticketing, etc.; infrastructure/assets)

The Frolic: Thank You, Community (and Pic Gallery!)

It's been only four days since we were all together, but right now it's as if I can close my eyes and you are all still next to me if I only reach my hand out! This event was more meaningful than most due to the sheer quantity of transformation I was honored to witness. Thank you for allowing yourself to be vulnerable and become More. It's scary, and I was proud of the support and love the entire family gave. To quote Dev, "You saw Dev, for Dev, and let me be me." You are definitely all folx I hope to get to know more fully. However, if I don't, I know I was privileged to be in the presence of this group as we slipped the time stream to exist in a parallel dimension if only for a moment. (It was so weird to drive again.)

My personal goal was to create an atmosphere where people could drop the everyday mask they use between themselves and the world, even within their minds. A place so accepting that you could see your whole self for the first time and say, "Damn, I like me! All of me." I believe we spend so much time sorting ourselves as humans over aspects we have no control over and that those, ultimately, are the smallest real percentage of who we can be. Humanity uses these things to hurt each other. I dream of seeing each other's greatness, holding each other up before we fall, and teaching each other what we already know deep inside. We are each incredible! We are simultaneously unique and the same. We are one together but separate. We can be creative and build on each other's ideas. Not to steal but to help us all be MORE! Always giving credit to those who came before, struggling through a different paradigm but setting the stage for the next to come as we shall do now for those turning their attention our direction.

One person said, "But I'm only six years in. I'm still a baby. I still get mentors!" Of course you do! But you are now a journeyman, no longer an apprentice. It's time to teach those coming in all that hard-won wisdom. We had many presenters step up to give varied and distinct options as we know we have a multitude of newer people in our community. We want so badly for you all to experience success and to know just how versatile all these play options are. How deep you can go safely and be prepared for it.

I personally had a great deal of fun teaching my classes. Especially when someone exclaimed during my Energy Play class, "Oh my God, it's real!" I loved doing some intense energy work with a few special people ready to move to the next level and read a bit of tarot. It was awesome being around so many energy workers and readers! 

I reveled in all the lovely compliments I heard about other presenters and super volunteers! I sincerely love seeing people succeed and that special smile on their face as they glow. The Talent Show was one of the best I've been involved in. The Saturday Flee Market was sweet and the Thursday Tastings incredible as I watched the self-discovery process. I wish I could have seen the Saturday night event. I need to hear your stories. I went back to my tent to change and fell asleep on the floor. When I woke up, it was quiet. LMAO! I meditated and climbed in my sleeping bag.

High points were getting to meet Seq and Auto whom I've known for two years but never met in person. I also made a new DJ buddy! The Wicked Wordplay writers let loose at the Talent show! Wowza! I'm so proud of how my team stepped up and into any issues that came up. And the Rock Game—reminding that same beautiful team to have fun!

Keep using the Frolic Discord whenever a memory comes up…and maybe we'll have a mid-year reunion…inside!

Love, Turtle

The Frolic: Transformational Experiences


By a Good Bun

What words do I use to communicate The Frolic?

Prior, it was a favor for a friend

Post, it was a community of friends.

Who am I?

            Prior, a girl, fresh into womanhood and full of shame

Post, a woman proud, sexy and full of determination.

What do I want?

                    Prior, I feel what I feel. I want you to know. But you cannot, you will not Want it

Post, I ask you. You tell me. I get what I want because I am worth it.

Ask me, I might!

Will this fade?

Prior, I am drifting, chasing the Void and periling my own well being

Post, I am not sure. I hope to be permanently changed.

Post, I know the truth will be much harder.

Post, I will get what I want because I am worth it.

My Frolic Transformation

By Bridgette

I spent a whole week in a relative paradise. I didn't notice anyone being reticent or avoidant. More, I *felt* like at no point was I looked down upon for being dressed as I wanted to. I introduced myself as Bridgette, and meant it without it being in the back of my mind that they needed or were entitled to my still legal name. I worked security without pants. Panties or skirt out. I walked around with my backpack with a bikini top. At no point did I feel like someone was uncomfortable around me. At this point, it almost doesn't matter if I was oblivious and someone was. In the area and time of Frolic, I was me without fear. Real life now gets me with a new level of confidence. Without much remorse or sympathy for people that wish to not notice or see me. They now get to deal with it. This buzz may fade, and my old caution may return, but it hasn't yet!

The Frolic spurred many deep, often intense, discussions between partners, friends, and people who would no longer be strangers. Paradigms shifted. This entry is from an anonymous source after one such conversation. —Turtle

By Anonymous

In an emotional transmission, one of my partners asserted that, among other things, she did not want to be my wife.

In the hours that followed, I realized that I do want a wife. I want a primary nesting partner, an anchor, someone with whom to mutually share the full threads of our existence. I want us to always know where the other is, when we expect to hear from them next, and when relevant, what is for dinner.

I am grateful for what I share with my partner, and for the realization about myself that she spurred in me.

Some lessons are very hard. I am still grateful. If something is true, then I want to know. Especially if it is about myself or a loved one.

To my partner: I love you, babygirl. <3

The Frolic: People Are Saying...

"There is an undeniable magic that happens when this community gets together in the woods. This was my second year and once again, those who arrived as strangers become friends and lovers. Together we held a safe space for each of us to express who we are and experiment with who we could become. I left feeling seen and welcomed." —Freebird

"I didn't know I needed waffles until there were waffles!" —anonymous

"Today I got all emotional doing laundry remembering all the fun I had in various outfits, particularly the onesie. I tried to find a better laundry setting because 'normal' did not seem to fit, and 'kinky' was not an option." —Anthropic 

"Someone wrote on the pick up play board for a stunt bottom to practice techniques from the Digital Orgasm class. Can I just write, 'me too!' under it?" —heard three times from three different people

"So lovely seeing everyone share their experiences. There was so much going on, I wish I could have experienced it all. For me, one of the highlights was meeting so many people with different kinds of families, friendships, and relationships. You really made me feel seen and welcomed! You are all wonderful people." —Allen

"Why is everyone telling me about consent? Is it because I'm the consent person?" —Seq

"Um…no. It's because it's a Kinky Kindness Bingo square!" —Turtle

"I experienced an unparalleled level of spontaneous community, body positivity, and acceptance that still have me glowing. I've never received, nor been so able to take in, the sort of positive attention and compliments I got in spades at The Frolic, and I am doing my best to hold onto all the highlights as reminders of my self-worth and sexiness. Inspired by everyone who worked hard to make it happen and so looking forward to future kinky camping opportunities." —betwixt

"I'll never be able to look a pony girl in the face again after that story!" —overheard anonymously in the dark

"As a socially awkward kid new to the CSPC, I was really nervous to go to Frolic alone. I'm really glad that I pushed myself to do it though: by meeting people at Frolic I now feel a lot safer attending other CSPC events by myself, because I'll definitely know people there. Thanks everyone for being so welcoming!" —GB (GoodBoy)

"Power Bottom!" [nuff said] —entire audience

"I hope he didn't get any pubic hairs caught in the guitar strings." —overheard in the dark

Consent Corner 23.12

By Emma Atkinson

Hello hot and lovely readers! Since it’s August, aren’t we finding ourselves learning about all the ways that “hot” can manifest?

I’m just back from The Frolic, and I feel like that character in the Dr. Seuss book whose heart grew several times bigger at some point. Google has informed me that this happened to the Grinch and that his heart tripled in size.  

That Grinch reference gave me pause for thought: WTF? Is my heart so small? One tries mightily to be careful not to “yuck” someone else’s “yum.” 

Local treasure and gifted writer Tom Robbins says: “There are only two mantras, yum and yuck.  Mine is yum.” That’s what The Frolic was: a long stretch of yum.  

Consent was in the air throughout. Folx were talking about it, wondering about it, and so beautifully practicing it.  

My heart is several times bigger at The Frolic’s end than it was at the start. It was super yummy and I’m grateful to all for all. Stay tuned for lots more consent goodness!  

Homework: a gold star to you if you would like one, for being the lovely human that you are.

"Be excellent to each other." —Bill and Ted

"Be sexcellent to each other." —Emma

“There are only two mantras, yuck and yum. Mine is yum.” —Tom Robbins

“Me too.” —Emma