Consent Corner 23.14

Emma Atkinson

Hello, my dear ones! Yeesh, is it really November? Fred Meyer seems bent on forcing me to recognize that the holiday season has begun. Non-PNW (Pacific Northwest) readers: Fred Meyer is a store that sells everything from organic salad to tires — so, pretty much everything, including so much holiday stuff.

Ready to talk consent? We’re considering Bumbershoot’s C.O.N.S.E.N.T model, and we’re up to the letter “O.” What’s the “O” for, you ask? Open communication is key. “Yes” can change. Clever you, aren’t you glad you asked?

We’re all about open communication here in Consent Corner. You’ve no doubt come to recognize how important it is in so many ways. You’ve seen how it can make your life better. Now, as appropriate, you can make it hot too!

We’ve talked a bit about hot communication here in the Corner. I’ll be pondering it, and I’d love to hear about your experiences. The hottest stories will be included in an upcoming episode, so send yours in now!

Especially as the holiday season approaches, it’s good to keep the idea of “Open Communication” in mind. Keeping “Good Boundaries” in mind as well probably wouldn’t hurt.

Homework: ask a partner what their favorite name is for their private parts and use that name at a suitable opportunity. How did it go? Share your hot and steamy communications at:

"Be excellent to each other." —Bill and Ted

"Be sexcellent to each other." —Emma