Consent Corner 23.16

bY Emma Atkinson

Hello, my lovelies! Warm wishes for a wonderfully consent-filled holiday season.

Awesome future volunteer opportunity alert: The CSPC is creating a new volunteer position for parties: the Consent Advocate. The Consent Academy offered an amazing course on Zoom over two weekends last month and taught us a lot about what a Consent Advocate does and doesn’t do to create a safer and supportive environment. Too cool!

Keep an eye out in 2024 for information on this position from our HR Director and consider becoming a Consent Advocate volunteer and support the loving community that we all want to be a part of. And, when you see a Consent Advocate at a party, please say hello and thank them for all they do for us!

Homework: It’s the holiday season, so please be as kind as possible to yourself and others. Remember to let your light shine. And, every day is a good day to express your gratitude — just saying.

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma