Flowers' Garden: Overcoming Intimidation

By Flowers

CSPC parties can be a fantastic opportunity to explore your sexual desires and connect with like-minded individuals. However, for many people, the prospect of playing with someone who is physically attractive or intimidating can be daunting. You can get lost in the idea of, “Oh my gosh this person is so attractive, how do I deal with this anxiety?” Well, I am here to help! 

Here are some tips to help you overcome your intimidation and play with someone you find attractive at a kink party:

1: Focus on your desires. Remember that you are at the party to explore your kinks and desires. Don't let the presence of an attractive person distract you from your goals. Focus on what you want to experience, and seek out partners who can help fulfill those desires.

2: Practice self-care. It's natural to feel nervous or anxious when playing with someone you find attractive, but it's important to take care of yourself. Take breaks if you need them, communicate your needs to your partner, and prioritize your own safety and comfort.

3: Remember, they are just people. My biggest tip is to remember that everyone at parties is just a human. The CSPC doesn’t pull them out from behind the bar as a master of sexiness. They eat dinner, they have dreams and aspirations, and they also have people they find cute and intimidating. 

In conclusion, don't let the presence of attractive people at a kink party intimidate you. Focus on your own desires, communicate clearly, prioritize consent, and practice self-care. With these tips in mind, you can have a fulfilling and enjoyable kink scene with anyone, regardless of their physical appearance.