Consent Corner 24.02

BY Emma Atkinson 

Hello lovely ones, and warm wishes for the happiest and most wondrous 2024! Hopefully, you’re off to a good start on it.

We’re considering the Bumbershoot consent model: C.O.N.S.E.N.T. The second “N” says: Need support? Venue staff are here to help. 

Wherever you are, please remember to look around for help when you need it. And, please remember how you recognize when you need help. For me, there’s a tightness in my chest when I’m feeling uncomfortable. We’re all unique wonders, so you know best how discomfort says hello to you. 

Volunteers are there to help you have the best possible experience. They want everyone at an event to have the best possible experience, too. They want to help — let them do it! 

Volunteering is an opportunity to give back to an organization for what has been freely and lovingly given to you. Please step up at the CSPC and join the amazing volunteer team. 

Homework: How do you know when you’re uncomfortable? We’d love to hear a story about it at:

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma