Consent Corner 24.06

By Emma Atkinson 

Hello super sexy readers! March is certainly being a typical March this year, isn’t it, with its lamb-like warm days and its lion-like blustery ones. 

Shhh! There’s some secret news about this year’s Frolic event: there will be a Consent Canopy for you to explore this year. 

What’s a Consent Canopy? You’ll have to attend The Frolic to find out for yourself. It’s just one more reason to go to the most awesome event of the summer and join the other kinky campers frolicking at the beautiful venue. 

Tickets are going on sale soon, and they increase in price as time goes on. Smart folx (like you!) are well advised to act promptly and snag that ticket early on.

Homework: How can you make attendance at The Frolic happen for you this year? Are you going to join the cool kids on the volunteer team? Do you have vacation time? Share your creative thoughts at:

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma