Consent Corner 24.09

by Emma Atkinson 

Hello, loveliest of people! Go ahead, let your light shine bright, especially in Pride month. Mary Oliver wrote a breathtakingly beautiful poem called, “The Buddha’s Last Instruction.” Spoiler alert: “make of yourself a light.”

We’ve been considering the situation when someone says that you’re being too emotional. Last time we talked about checking in with yourself to see how you’re doing. Let’s say that you’ve found nothing too amiss. 

Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of The Four Agreements, wrote a book with his son in which they outlined the “Fifth Agreement”: Be skeptical, but learn to listen. In our imaginary scenario, this is the perfect time to put your listening cap on. Let’s assume that you’re already wearing your skepticism hat. Throw on your Sherlock Holmes investigating mode cap while you’re at it. Please feel free to add your own amazing caps as you see fit. 

Life can be complicated. And juggling all those hats while still making a fashion statement is a super complicated challenge unto itself! I think that honing your listening skills will bring you benefits beyond your imagination. Try it and let me know! 

Homework: Please show off your fabulous self this Pride month. And, it’s a perfect time to thank those in our community who are always working hard to build the community that treasures you and is proud of you, exactly as you are. 

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma