Consent Corner 24.10

by Emma Atkinson 

Hello, loveliest of lovelies! How about if we keep those great Pride feelings going all year long? And, why stop at 2024? Just saying…

We’ve been considering a situation in which someone to whom you’ve given consent says that you’re being too emotional. You’ve done a self-check and all of your systems seem to be functioning well. So, if it’s not you — then what?

Please remember that you always have the right to ask for what you want. You might want some time to mull things over. You might want to phone a friend or do some further research. You might get what you ask for and you might not. And, that’s not necessarily the main reason to ask. 

Sometimes it’s helpful to ask a question even if you think you already know the answer. Actually, that could be the perfect time to ask that question. You can learn a lot by paying attention to the answer you get. It’s a trope in many mystery stories: ask and then listen carefully. And then, please consider how your consent is affected by the answers you get.

Homework: It’s July — get out there and enjoy it! Then, please tell us all about it at:

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma