Frolic Presenter Spotlights

Presenter spotlights:

Did you know: All the classes offered this year are different from 2023 except for two!

Alex and trinity

Deafen Leaf and Laughing Willow

Evelyn Evey

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti


TK Kasnick aka Turtle

Alex and trinity 

Alex and trinity started their total power exchange (TPE) relationship over six years ago, building on their decades in BDSM and power exchange relationships. Alex (he/him) is a neurotypical, poly, creatively sadistic dominant; he’s married to a poly vanilla woman who chuckles supportively on hearing about his kink fun. trinity (she/her) is a neurospicy bi/pan poly masochistic submissive; her quest for novelty and making BDSM tools and toys are endless. After attending so many interesting classes and discussions at the past three Frolics, Alex and trinity are enthused to share and discuss their perspectives on TPE.

Class List: 

  • Everything, Everywhere, All the Time: A Perspective on Total Power Exchange

  • Whip it into Shape: Create your own dragon’s tongue pocket whip!

Deafen Leaf and Laughing Willow

Deafen Leaf (they/she) is an erotic artist, researcher, and writer. They are currently working on video projects, and producing propaganda, as well as finding more and more outsides that can be turned into insides and vice versa. They're also impressively breedable, extremely flexible, needy, and submissive. In their free time, they're accused of being a brat, which they don't understand.

Laughing Willow (she/it) is a part-time puppy, a part-time android girl. She hasn't defragged her drive ever. When she's not battling runtime errors she's a transfem T4T verse switch with practical experience from the top, bottom, and the ill-defined squishy middle. She bites, sometimes for fun.

Class List: 

  • A Leather History

  • Chastity 101

  • Fucking Trans Women

Evelyn Evey

Evelyn Evey (she/they) is a happily kinky, switchy, sadomasochistic, polyamorous, queer, gender nonconforming experience junkie who lives in Seattle, WA where she is actively involved with the Center for Sex Positive Culture and the local BDSM community. She was vice president of the board of directors for the Pan Eros Foundation (formerly known as the Foundation for Sex Positive Culture) and has had various roles with the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival. A voracious learner, she has studied Ayurveda, psychology, and acting, all of which have provided her insight and tools for helping others on their journeys towards finding balance and having fun with their kink.

Class List: 

  • Kinky Psych 101

  • The Smell of Fear

  • Alchemy of Pain

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti 

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti has been a panelist and workshop presenter since 2017, beginning with the very first workshop she ever created, "Transcending Shame." For example, when she began researching the topic of shame, she learned that shame lives in SECRECY. Additionally, Gloria is late-diagnosed autistic, with ADHD, PTSD, depression/anxiety, and TBI. She is also an artists' model and has served as a "muse" for artists in drawing, painting, and sculpture classes and groups since the mid-1990s. Gloria is currently hard at work on her memoir entitled, "A Different Drum: A Black, Autistic, Polyamorous, Mentally Ill, Former Fundamentalist Christian/Cult Member and Breast Cancer Survivor WHO JUST WANTS TO FIT IN." You can find Gloria on Facebook as Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, and on her website, "Not Gloria Jean" ( She lives in Seattle, WA.

Class List: 

  • Neurodivergent & Intersectionality discussion group

  • Is it private? Or Is it Secret?

  • How to Model for Art


Greetings! My name is Navi (He/They). I have been actively engaged in the BDSM/ kink scene for the past five years. I am most often involved in the ageplay, pet play, tickling, and leather communities. I am a member of ONYX NW which is a leather organization for queer men of color. I have taken on many volunteer roles throughout my time in the community including leading tastings, demonstrations, dungeon monitoring, event planning, setup/strike, registration, and more!

Class List:

  • Intro to Age Play

  • Dark Age Play

TK Kasnick aka Turtle

TK Kasnick began presenting at the early age of 9 through their local 4-H program. Their education in college workshops, conferences, and classes in event planning/implementation, organizing, and communication has created a lifelong passion for helping people to communicate and interact more completely with each other. TK has experienced significant health issues all of their life but doesn't allow them to define them. In 1997, their body crashed allowing genetic Fibromyalgia to raise its formidable head accompanied by Chronic Fatigue Immunodeficiency Disorder, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. These have all since been reclassified as a cluster diagnosis of Central Sensitization Syndrome. TK was nearly completely bedridden in 1997 for many years. They believe in living proactively. They began attending workshops and doing research to better understand the challenges inherent to a life-altering illness. Through a team approach to health care, meditation, and a life lived in balance and moderation, TK Kasnick now leads a full and satisfying life.

Class List:

  • Finding Freedom from Fear

  • Planning for Trauma Response

Alex and trinity

Deafen Leaf

Laughing Willow

Evelyn Evey

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti

