Pride Parade Thank You!

Ten members met virtually to design the float. We begged and borrowed what we could and treasure hunted the best prices for the bits and bobs to decorate the float. We met at Kinky Acres, à la our building committee lead/board member, to build it. Our president designed 25th Anniversary banners. Our HR director brought us hand fans to distribute among adults. One very long-time member loaned us a trailer, another loaned us their truck, and drove the float trailer carefully at less than 2mph down the parade route when we finally started moving. 

Our builders arrived at 11 a.m. to assemble and decorate our float, which was simultaneously held together with screws and zip ties. One amazingly astute member brought a large cooler full of ice, water, and Gatorade for everyone! Another functioned as “marchers lead” to make sure everyone arrived safely and was assigned a spot. We stepped off at 1:40 p.m. leading off the kinky contingents, followed by the Leather community, Sea-PAH, and the largest group of furries I've ever had the pleasure to witness outside a convention. By some ironic turn of queerness, following all of us were the churches! 

Members in totally turned-out outfits carried the long front banner and others guarded each tire against potential accidents as required by Seattle Pride. One board member rode on the float, handing out earplugs for those people our members saw needed them. 

Crystal Fire Entertainment loaned us DJ Ren1 and their pounding sound system. We saw a golf cart go by carrying five event staff bouncing so hard from their dancing that it's a surprise they didn't roll it. We handed out fan after fan as we danced our way down 4th Ave, waving to watchers as they cheered and joined us by dancing! Previous CSPC members screamed and ran out to hug everyone they knew! Other contingents danced with us. We really had chosen the best music! But then, who sits still for Prince? Let's go crazy!

As we wound down to turn onto Denny way, there in the crowd stood our Events Director, waving hello and beaming the biggest smile!

Normally, marchers would run off to join the festivities. Not us! The entire crew of marchers stayed to help strike the float for travel back to Kinky Acres who had graciously been storing it for us as it was built. Then, the marchers hugged and left, some heading back into the festival for more volunteering at our CSPC table!

For pictures and videos, check out the CSPC Discord server, Pride planning channel.

Want to participate next year? Email and we will contact you next February!