News — the CSPC

Changes for New Member Orientation offerings

We have made some adjustments to when we offer New Member Orientation based on community feedback, volunteer availability, and event host suggestions. 

Beginning in April, both Power Play Mixed-Tape and The Grind events will not include a New Member Orientation (NMO). As a result, these parties will begin one hour earlier and end one hour earlier. The Board is also looking at possibilities for holding in-person NMOs that may run in conjunction with our non-play weeknight events, however this has not been finalized yet and will largely depend on volunteer ability to support a weeknight NMO. 

If you are interested in becoming a NMO leader, please email to get more information!

Frolic 2025 Hiatus

The Frolic, a week-long camping event traditionally held in August, is going to be on hiatus for 2025. This event is a massive undertaking, requiring very dedicated Directors and a large volunteer team to work on putting it together for months prior to the event and a lot of hard work during the event to ensure it goes smoothly. In 2025 we don’t have any past Frolic Directors able to run this team, and frankly it’s too large of a project at this point to leave to unseasoned volunteers. 

There will be work done on The Frolic this year, however—we will be reviewing documentation from last year and taking some time to work on ways we can make the event more sustainable and able to be recreated. The Board is in full support of The Frolic team taking this year to regroup and make The Frolic even better going forward.

We’re sad to not be holding this incredible event in 2025, but we also recognize the need to take a step back and put some further structure in place before holding The Frolic again. Any questions or concerns about this can be directed to the CSPC feedback form, where comments are reviewed by volunteers on a regular basis.

Feb. 17th Clothing Closet Social

Join us on February 17, 2025 between 5:00pm and 9:00pm for a members-only, non-play Clothing Closet social event! 

This “Clothing Closet” event  is a community resource where everyone is welcome to browse, try on, and take whatever items they can use. This will be a temporary, pop-up Clothing Closet, stocked by Members for Members. 

  • Please do not bring anything that is soiled, broken, incomplete, or that cannot be received by a donation center

  • Everything is free—no sales

  • There will be mirrors available for try-ons, and non-sexual nudity is allowed

  • At the end of the evening you may reclaim anything you brought

  • Anything left at 8:30 will be packed up for donation

  • You are welcome to take items even if you didn’t bring anything!

  • Pre-registration is required, although it is free to do so

We’re really excited about this event and hoping for great turnout so we can hold similar events on a semi-regular basis! Check out the event page and register for free here.

Broaden Your Mind

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in every issue. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

February 8–16

Northwest Film Forum | Playland ($7–$15 | in person)

PLAYLAND conjures a time-bending night in Boston’s oldest and most notorious gay bar. Featuring an eclectic ensemble of queer performers, including drag icon Lady Bunny and POSE’s Danielle Cooper, the transdisciplinary film sees music, dance, archival footage, tableaux, opera, and performance art layered into an ethereal piece subverting all boundaries. The work of queer fantasy and history takes place inside the empty husk of the Playland Café. Although the cafe shut down in the late ’90s, PLAYLAND stages one last bawdy night on the town for the ghosts of their LGBTQ+ ancestors.

February 21–22

Kremwerk | 11-Year Anniversary ($12+ | in person)

For 11 incredible years, Kremwerk has been a cornerstone of underground electronic music, a hub of creativity, and a space where our community thrives. We're marking 11 years with two nights dedicated to the artists and sounds that make the Pacific Northwest so special.

March 2–5

Beacon Cinema | Some Like it Hot ($13 | in person)

Few works in film history have earned so many horselaughs through the years as has Wilder’s relentlessly zany gender-bender, featuring two of the most famous (even if fake!) beauty marks in Hollywood, courtesy Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe. Wilder brings the sexual anarchy of the Weimar Berlin cabaret into Eisenhower America, in a work which has lost nothing of its spirited exuberance and zest for life.

March 8

Consent Academy | Red Flags: Skills for Recognizing Abuse ($15–$45 | online)

Red Flags: Skills for Recognizing Abuse is a workshop that explores both the obvious and subtle signs of abusive relationships and provides options for what to do about it. Participants will understand the power dynamics at play, and how abuse manifests as violence, manipulation, and other techniques of coercive control, in physical, emotional, psychological, and financial aspects. We also explore the importance of consent when navigating out of abuse and building healthy relationships.

March 12

Papaya Project | Sex Trivia ($10–$20 | in person)

This monthly event is the best way to learn about and celebrate pleasure, queerness, and the science of sex! Trivia questions cover a wide variety of sex and sexuality-related topics, so get ready to challenge yourself, learn something new, and have a good time. A portion of each ticket will be donated to the Healing Retreat for Survivors of Child Sexual Trauma, taking place from June 12-15, 2025 at The Whidbey Institute.

Editor’s note for all events*

As a reminder, these are non-CSPC events. We include them as a way to open your mind to other experiences, but we have no control over them, their content, or their missions. 

Phase One of the Volunteer Appreciation Program: Event Coordinator Perks

Without Volunteers, there would be no Center for Sex Positive Culture. We are a nonprofit run by Members, for Members.

For quite some time the Board has been working behind the scenes to develop a Volunteer Appreciation Program that takes into account the needs of individual Volunteers as well as the needs of the organization as a whole. Part of the program involves offering Volunteer perks!

Establishing, offering, and implementing perks is a difficult task, especially when factoring in the tax and legal implications to which we are all bound. A comprehensive plan involving perks takes many things into account and requires a multi-prong strategy and cannot be a matter of simply handing out free tickets. 

The Board of Directors passed a motion at the 1/8/25 Board Meeting to implement the first round of perks! This begins a gradual yet immediate rollout. A gradual rollout allows for an expedited initial implementation, provides opportunities to assess its efficacy, and allows for easier adjustments over time. Due to persistent difficulty in staffing Event Coordinator shifts, especially Closing EC shifts, ECs will be the first to receive perks. These perks will be implemented no later than March 1st but retroactive to shifts dating back through to the start of 2025:

Opening EC

  • Free admission to events at which they volunteer

  • Invitations to Volunteer appreciation events

  • Swag distributed at those events

  • Additional swag options

  • 20% off tickets 

  • Free, last-minute entry to one event that has not sold out, for every two events they’ve opened

Closing EC

  • Free admission to events at which they volunteer

  • Invitations to Volunteer appreciation events

  • Swag distributed at those events

  • Additional swag options

  • 20% off tickets

  • Free, last-minute entry to events that have not sold out, equal to one for every event they close

  • Free event coupon code for every shift worked (up to tax limit 3-4 per year)

This is the first in a series of Volunteer benefits the Board intends to implement. Other Volunteer roles will eventually receive perks. These will not be distributed based on a simple, accumulated volunteer hour basis. Instead, some roles and shifts will be weighted to provide greater perks in recognition of Volunteer contribution and to assist in encouraging Volunteers to fill needed shifts. Look for more to come on that throughout 2025. Questions can be directed to Skitty at

Thank you Volunteers!

Broaden Your Mind

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in every issue. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

January 16

Sex Positive World | Electromancy! Electroplay 101 ($0–$30 | online)

Whether you’re already a fan of electricity play, just curious, or even a little terrified, Electromancy 101 will get your sparks flying!

January 18

Gallery Erato | Hypnokink Enthusiast Group ($10 suggested | in person)

Have you thought about including hypnosis in your kink or sex life? Infinitely adaptable, you can use hypnosis to enhance arousal, do bondage without restraints, build fear play and mindf*ck scenes, strengthen D/s training, increase relaxation for sensual scenes, and much more!

January 19

The QUEER Not-Creepy Gathering for People who want to Fall in Love ($10–$30 | in person)

This structured event specifically for the queer community is not about scrolling and swiping and making snap decisions based solely on physical appearance. This event is about being open enough to see each other's humanity. You might meet your new boo! Or you might not. You might meet your new bestie or protest buddy. Or you might just leave feeling more connected to your community and more connected to yourself.

January 25

Gallery Erato | Sensual Chair Yoga ($20 | in person)

This class will bring out the heat that fuels you through Sensual Yoga, indulging in poses that are cradled and assisted by a chair to deepen your exploration without asking too much of our bodies. While Sensual Yoga can be many things, in this workshop we will focus on blending yoga with your own flow and breath to build trust in your play. This will be a slow practice for time to rest, connect, and explore in your movement. The practice will truly be your own with permission to adjust for your body, your heart, and your mind.

January 25–26

Beacon Cinema | Glen or Glenda ($12 | in person)

In 1953, a 29-year-old aspiring writer/director named Edward D. Wood, Jr. landed a job directing an exploitation movie. The assignment: create something – anything! – to cash in on the case of Christine Jorgensen, the first widely known person to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Wood, at the time a closeted cross-dresser, channeled his life into his art, casting himself in the genderfluid title roles. Blurring reality and fiction further, Wood also cast his real-life girlfriend, Dolores Fuller, as Glen’s unknowing fiancée. Mixing this naked autobiography with a mountain of stock footage and a slumming Bela Lugosi, Wood created a cinematic dreamscape that can totally baffle grindhouse audiences into delirium.

January 26

Sex Positive World | Face Sitting Skills! ($0–$30 | online)

Do you think face sitting is hot but are worried about squishing someone's face? Are you hungry to be on the bottom but don't know what to do with your arms? Want to hop on and ride but your knees say 'nope!'? Face sitting is hot for a lot of reasons and challenging for a lot of reasons. Any body and any gender can enjoy face sitting!

January 31

Late Night at Gallery Erato ($10–$20 | in person)

SEAF Late Night at Gallery Erato recreates the vibe of Seattle Erotic Art Festival’s late night hours; shaking your tail feathers to unreal DJs whilst surrounded by epic, erotic art. Come dressed to impress and dazzle on the dance floor - from glam to funky to fun to wild costumes, we want you to express yourself just remember to cover your bits. There will be a no-host bar making libations available.

January 31 – February 17

Theatre Off Jackson | Women & Femmes, or Females ($16–$52 | in person)

This play is a wreck! The director got in a car crash, the lighting designer was fired, and the cast and crew have been barricaded in the theater by the playwright as she tries to find an “authentic moment”. For their own reasons, the three femme leads start making their own play – it’s different, and better than the play they’re in now. Do they even need the playwright? The only course of action: mutiny. Partially generated by the actors and scored to experimental electronic music, Women & Femmes, or Females is a transfeminist play about overidentifying with one’s trauma, performing goodness, and agency.

February 4

Sex Positive World | Polyamory & Legality in the US ($0–$30 | online)

Join us for an inspiring keynote with Brett Chamberlin, the Founder and Executive Director of OPEN (Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non-monogamy), a grassroots advocacy nonprofit dedicated to advancing legal rights and cultural acceptance for non-monogamous families and relationships. In this keynote, Brett Chamberlin will share insights from his extensive experience in grassroots organizing and nonprofit leadership, discussing the importance of community engagement in creating systemic change.

February 12

Papaya Project | Sex Trivia ($10–$20 | in person)

This monthly event is the best way to learn about and celebrate pleasure, queerness, and the science of sex! We kick off the evening with a brief introduction, then dive right into sex trivia. Trivia teams consist of 4-5 people. You can bring your friends and make your own team, or show up and join/create a team on the spot! All identities and backgrounds are welcome. Trivia questions cover a wide variety of sex and sexuality-related topics, so get ready to challenge yourself, learn something new, and have a good time. There will be PRIZES for the winning teams! A portion of each ticket will be donated to Rat City Roller Derby, Seattle's premier flat-track roller derby league.

Editor’s note for all events*

As a reminder, these are non-CSPC events. We include them as a way to open your mind to other experiences, but we have no control over them, their content, or their missions.

Broaden Your Mind

Other Community Events to Enjoy!

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in every issue. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

December 12–15

Northwest Film Forum | Positive & Silence = Death ($7–$14 | in person)

Upon the global outbreak of the AIDS epidemic, director Rosa Von Praunheim set his sights on making films in direct response to the inaction of the powerful and the action of those directly affected by HIV/AIDS. Positive and Silence = Death, the first two parts of Von Praunheim’s AIDS Trilogy, focus on the lived experiences and reactions of the queer community in New York City as they fight against a local and national government that allowed thousands of people to die without a second thought.

December 14

Kremwerk | T4T: All Trans & Non-Binary Drag Show ($15 | in person)

T4T is the longest running by and for all transgender and non-binary produced and casted drag show in Seattle, a one of a kind celebration of trans drag artists. T4T is the place for trans folks to enjoy drag, enjoy gender euphoria, find community, and be with people who understand them.

December 27–28

Beacon Cinema | Scala!!! ($13 | in person)

A heartwarming documentary tribute to Scala Cinema—one of repertory cinema’s all-time greatest venues—SCALA!!! will keep your love of movies shining bright. During London's post-punk 1980s scene, Scala Cinema pushed the boundaries of convention with a diverse calendar covering all bases from sexploitation to horror, from martial arts to queer transgressions. SCALA!!! is a universal shout-out to cinema’s ability to inspire young minds and create a sense of community for outsiders—a place where everyone is welcome. Featuring interviews from fifty Scala alums and friends (including John Waters), over one hundred films in clip form, previously unseen vintage footage of Scala itself, and an original soundtrack by Barry Adamson (former bassist of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds), SCALA!!! is your ticket to cinematic paradise.

January 2

First Thursday Art Walk in Pioneer Square (free | in person)

Pioneer Square’s First Thursday Art Walk is the longest running established art walk in the nation. Since the early 1960’s, Pioneer Square has provided a haven for Seattle’s artistic community, housing esteemed galleries, innovative exhibition spaces, and working artist studios alike.

January 8

Papaya Project | Sex Trivia ($10–$20 | in person)

This monthly event is the best way to learn about and celebrate pleasure, queerness, and the science of sex! We kick off the evening with a brief introduction, then dive right into sex trivia. Trivia teams consist of 4-5 people. You can bring your friends and make your own team, or show up and join/create a team on the spot! All identities and backgrounds are welcome. Trivia questions cover a wide variety of sex and sexuality-related topics, so get ready to challenge yourself, learn something new, and have a good time. There will be PRIZES for the winning teams! A portion of each ticket this month will be donated to Seattle's Chapter of Dykes on Bikes.

Editor’s note for all events*

As a reminder, these are non-CSPC events. We include them as a way to open your mind to other experiences, but we have no control over them, their content, or their missions. 

Seattle Erotic Art Festival Call for Art!

Every year it seems crazy that we are back at SEAF season (where does the time go?). But here we are, and everyone’s favorite sexy art festival is coming in May 2025! Which means…

…the call for art is now open! This includes any visual, literary, or performance art, as well as art to be sold exclusively in the festival store. The calls for film and interactive art have been open for a while as well, so there is still time to submit for all mediums. 

This could be your year! Submit that sexy art!

All the info you need is HERE.

Community Health Update

We are knee deep in peak flu and covid season already so it’s important we as a community stay diligent to protect ourselves and others wherever possible. We’ve put together a few reminders for best practices as well as a few resources.

Vaccination remains the most effective tool in reducing illness related complications and acts as a protective measure for those who are immunocompromised and unable to receive them. If you are able to and haven’t yet received your flu and covid boosters for the year:

  1. And have insurance and are financially stable. You can get your flu shots and covid boosters almost anywhere from your family doctor to your local urgent care to pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. 

  2. If you have no insurance, are underinsured, or financially vulnerable, Care-a-Van Mobile Health Services provides vaccines as well as other basic health services at no cost:
    Care-a-Van Mobile Health Services | Washington State Department of Health 

Hand washing is another frontline defense against illness. Use soap and water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, including the backs of your hands, between fingers, and under nails. Use paper towels in public restrooms to dry hands and avoid using hand dryers. Sanitizer is a good option when there isn’t access to soap and water but should not replace regular hand washing. To effectively apply, rub over hands and fingers for at least 20 seconds until dry.

Wearing a mask is a simple yet effective way to protect yourself and others. Masks act as a barrier, reducing the spread of respiratory droplets that may carry viruses or bacteria, especially in crowded or enclosed spaces. They are particularly important when you're feeling unwell or in situations where physical distancing isn't possible.

When feeling sick stay home from parties and avoid going out in public. Not only does this help with recovery time it also minimizes exposure to additional bacteria and viruses that could worsen your condition. If you have to go out, wear a mask, practice good hygiene, and social distance as much as possible to keep yourself and your community as safe.

Additional Resources

  1. King County Virus Dashboard to keep up to date on transmission alerts and hospitalizations: Respiratory virus data dashboards: COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV - King County, Washington 

  2. Free covid test kits (4 per household in the U.S.) are still available to order for free through USPS: COVID-19 Testing 

  3. The Emerald City Resource Guide is a free list of various organizations that is updated pretty consistently on a yearly basis: Emerald City Resource Guide