What makes the magic happen? The Frolic Leads and Core Volunteers! These volunteers commit several hours to the pre-planning and logistics for 149 attendees as well as 20 hours volunteering on-site during the event itself! Didn’t realize so much work went into the magic, did you? Well, to express a heartfelt thank you for that kind of dedication, the reward is free admission to The Frolic! 

Calling all volunteers: We need your help. Do you have leadership qualities? Do you like to think out of the box? Join our team as a Facilities Lead, Meal Lead, Registration Lead, or Entertainment Lead. Want to help but don’t want to attend the Frolic? Let us give you information on how that works.

Join Turtle and Mina, 2024 Frolic Co-Directors, tonight for the monthly virtual meeting on March 21 at 7:15 p.m.! If you can’t join the meeting, you can reach us at

The CSPC is a volunteer-based organization and we wouldn't be able to do all these fun events without our members donating their time to help create this space for their community. We're looking for folx with active CSPC memberships who may be interested in becoming a Frolic volunteer for leadership positions, web designers, presenters, etc.

Interested but have questions? Please join us! You do not need to register in advance, just click the Zoom link below when it's time for the meeting. 

The Frolic Team meets virtually every third Thursday at 7:15 p.m. As we get closer to the event, we'll add on additional meeting times.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Volunteers are required to complete our self-service “Volunteer Orientation.” Click here to start the process!


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157


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Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157

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Consent Corner 24.06

By Emma Atkinson 

Hello super sexy readers! March is certainly being a typical March this year, isn’t it, with its lamb-like warm days and its lion-like blustery ones. 

Shhh! There’s some secret news about this year’s Frolic event: there will be a Consent Canopy for you to explore this year. 

What’s a Consent Canopy? You’ll have to attend The Frolic to find out for yourself. It’s just one more reason to go to the most awesome event of the summer and join the other kinky campers frolicking at the beautiful venue. 

Tickets are going on sale soon, and they increase in price as time goes on. Smart folx (like you!) are well advised to act promptly and snag that ticket early on.

Homework: How can you make attendance at The Frolic happen for you this year? Are you going to join the cool kids on the volunteer team? Do you have vacation time? Share your creative thoughts at:

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma

Broaden Your Mind

Other Community Events to Enjoy!

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in the first issue each month. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

March 28–April 6

Theatre Off Jackson: Sleeping Beauty: a literary burlesque ($25–$50 | in person)

Once upon a time . . . a curse befell a princess, placing her in a deep and dreamful sleep. This spring . . . Noveltease Theatre journeys into a dreamworld of faeries, witches, beasts, and magic inspired by fairy tales and folklore from around the world in Sleeping Beauty and the Bear Prince, told in our signature literary burlesque format.

March 30

Olmstead: Nerdlesque ($20–$120 | in person)

Fat Bottom Productions brings you nerd-y burlesque in the Flamingo Room at Olmstead!  Always a great show. Always great entertainers. Always great food and atmosphere.

April 2

Sex Positive World: Practice, Practice, Practice ($0–$10 | online)

Have a sex positive skill you want to practice with someone? There’s so much we learn in workshops that we may not have time to fully integrate or get comfortable with at the time, so we want to give you all a chance to practice some of these skills at your own pace.

April 10

Papaya Project: Sex Trivia ($10–$20 | in person)

This monthly event is the best way to learn about and celebrate pleasure, queerness, and the science of sex! A portion of each ticket will be donated to Rat City Roller Derby, Seattle's premier flat-track roller derby league.

April 13–27

Consent Academy: The Accountability Series ($105–$180 | online)

Accountability processes and pods have the potential to repair relationships and strengthen communities. At the same time, they are also very specific, time and labor intensive methods of creating accountability with plenty of risks associated with them. This spring, join the Consent Academy for a series on the skills and knowledge needed to increase your chances of a successful accountability process or pod. Each class will be recorded for later viewing.

April 14

Sex Positive World: The Pleasure Talk ($0–$25 | online)

Join us for an interactive workshop on creating safer sex and more pleasurable connections through awesome communication! 

April 18-27

On the Boards: Cherdonna & The Bearded Ladies | Threesome ($20–$29 | in person)

Welcome to Threesome: an evening of three solo drag, dance, and cabaret artists searching for stability while living in uncertainty with all the tools they can find in an active auto body shop. Expect an hour of pleasure, punk rock, and spectacle.

April 21

Sex Positive World: Sexy Intersections: Anti-Oppression and Sex Positivity ($0–$25 | online)

This class helps us all think about the many power dynamics that affect us when we interact in sex positive community. This is a core class in SPW for all of us wanting to learn more about how we show up/speak up/receive feedback from others when we share space together. 

April 21

Sex Positive World: Journey Through Time ($0–$25 | online)

Ancient India, the land of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Tantra, the land that birthed plenty of religions, spiritual quests and philosophical journeys, also generated several LGBTQ+ tales that were deliberately hidden when preaching the New-Age Hinduism.

April 26–29

Seattle Erotic Art Festival ($28–$350 | in person)

The annual weekend-long event that showcases erotic art in diverse media including painting, photography, sculpture, film, literature, and interactive installations. A wide range of performance art is also represented, including burlesque, ballroom dance, circus arts, and live music.

April 28

Sex Positive World: Toying with the Unseen: Energy Play w/ Miss Mackenzee ($0–$35 | online)

Within this workshop you’ll learn how energy play can create spiritual and transcendental experiences for yourself and your partner(s). 

Sense and Sensuality [in-person] - Masking Requirements

Starting in April 2024, Sense and Sensuality will be requiring masking during their quarterly events for all attendees, including volunteers.

Wearing an N95/KN95 or equivalent mask will be required at the party at all times other than when actively eating/drinking, or when engaged in a scene. If you leave the scene you're in temporarily (e.g. to take a restroom break), please mask up first.

SaS and Femmes on Top are currently the only two in-person CSPC events that require masking. All other events are masking optional

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the SaS event, you can contact the event champions at

[REVISED] The Frolic: 2024 Teaser & Presenters

SAVE THE DATE: August 6-11, 2024

In just a few short months, we will be hidden away with more than a hundred of our closest friends. Soaking up the sunshine, absorbing new skills, cuddling and laughing by firelight among the trees…It’s The Frolic 2024! Bigger, better, and so bougie! The theme is Questing for Paradise. You cannot predict how your quest for your inner/outer compass may change the direction of your journey.

A limited number of Early Bird tickets go on sale March 28, so watch for the flares to light up your media. VIP yurts will be auctioned off as well and they are so WOW! There will be a hot tub, indoor dungeon, outdoor play space, and six days of fantastical community on our own private field of dreams! 

Stay tuned! 

The Frolic Team

Need assistance to attend? Volunteer 10-20 hours during the event! Email

Call For Frolic Presenters!

The Frolic 2024 is accepting applications for presenters through April 3!

Anyone 18+ can attend! Tickets go on sale March 28. Keep an eye out on our website!

We encourage all levels of classes. We are planning to offer not only 101 classes but a variety of unusual advanced topics as well. Get your application in early, click here to apply! Up to eight class submissions allowed. 

  • Teach 1 class: pay $275 [First Tier pricing]

  • Teach 2 classes: pay $162.50 [Half off Third Tier pricing]

  • Teach 3 classes: FREE ticket upon approval

  • Non-member presenters will receive a gratuitous month of CSPC membership

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3

Selection Date: Wednesday, April 10

Notification Date: Monday, April 15

Once we notify you that your submission(s) has/have been selected, you have one week to accept. And even if your idea isn't selected this round, we’ll keep a record of it for future opportunities. 

Questions? Email our Education Co-Leads at 


Even though we’re months away from the event itself, The Frolic team is working hard behind-the-scenes to launch Early Bird tickets this month!

If this is your first time hearing about The Frolic, one thing that’s different about this event than other CSPC events is that all attendees commit to a community volunteer shift. Want the opportunity to volunteer for registration or security? We’re hosting our next virtual training on March 11 from 7-9 p.m. for active CSPC members who have completed the Volunteer Orientation!

Join Turtle and Mina, 2024 Frolic Co-Directors, at the next monthly virtual meeting on March 21 at 7:15 p.m.! 

The CSPC is a volunteer-based organization and we wouldn't be able to do all these fun events without our members donating their time to help create this space for their community. We're looking for folx with active CSPC memberships who may be interested in becoming a Frolic volunteer for leadership positions, web designers, presenters, etc.

Interested but have questions? Please join us! You do not need to register in advance, just click the Zoom link below when it's time for the meeting. 

The Frolic Team meets virtually every third Thursday at 7:15 p.m. As we get closer to the event, we'll add on additional meeting times.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Volunteers are required to complete our self-service “Volunteer Orientation.” Click here to start the process!


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157


One tap mobile

+12532158782,,84807638157# US (Tacoma)

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Dial by your location

• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

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• +1 719 359 4580 US

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• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

• +1 669 444 9171 US

• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

• +1 305 224 1968 US

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• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

• +1 360 209 5623 US

• +1 386 347 5053 US

• +1 507 473 4847 US

• +1 564 217 2000 US

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 646 931 3860 US

• +1 689 278 1000 US

Meeting ID: 848 0763 8157

Find your local number:

PPMT Reminiscing

By Turtle and Teeebone 

Teeebone and I are sitting here by Zoom reminiscing about the “good ol’ days” like we all promise not to do when we are young. “I’ll never do that…sit around thinking about ‘Remember when’…I’ll be too busy living!” Well, guess what? We are doing both! Double the pleasure, double the fun, with… oooo! Sorry for the earworm!

The good ol’ days circa 2012-2016 at the CSPC Interbay location included third Saturdays at the PPMT party (Power Play Mixed-Tape.) In fact, I asked someone to volunteer at the upcoming party and they said they weren’t available on the third Saturday. I said, “Great! Because it isn’t on the third Saturday anymore!” It’s a whole new world! Oops! Second earworm!

The party re-upped in 2021 on the “heels” of reopening post-Covid with some of the Interbay crew coming back out of nostalgia. We were thinking about what’s changed and what stayed the same.

I asked some of the previous Power Players what stuck out most to them. “Boobie dancing, feeling surrounded by scenes everywhere, high energy, intense scenes, dancing in my underwear, dancing free, the feeling of camaraderie on the team, great music, good friends, great conversations, warm hosts, fucktastic music, heavy players, possible blood scenes, amazing mix of laughter and screams, getting stuffed at TK’s Buffet, pogo dancing so hard I hit my head on the heater, everyone dressed up, everybody naked. You’re sexy and you know it!

The music still pounds the sound but downstairs is quieter so people have a choice in sound immersion. The great conversations, friendly attendees, and awesome hosts stay engaged with great outfits, fun scenes, and random people dancing on the stage. Plus, we have the Pick-up Play board for the impromptu in you!

Teeebone - “That feel you get when you experience compersion while watching your former primary partner having their first DP scene some 12 feet away while you’re being the DJ at PPMT. Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend!

Turtle - “That feeling of being surrounded by friends even if you don’t know them! I miss that so much! We openly welcome everyone and we will be talking, a certain song will come on and we will all rush to the dance floor together! Everyone included!”

Teeebone - “That feeling you get when you have had an intense scene and then realize you are the closing DJ. Whoomp there it is!”

Turtle - “I had a few anthems the team would all dance to, but before everyone got there, we’d have a pep rally that always ended with us singing ‘C is for Cookie!’

Teeebone - “I loved those cookies. They were the best.”

Turtle - “We were a family. A family that exists to this day. When we wanted to set up a general, heavy play party again…we realized just how far our existing volunteers were stretched. Hell, 50% of the volunteers are board members. So, it’s been five years since the last PPMT, and I started texting. Amazing PPMT members answer with just ‘I’m in’ then go and renew their membership. It’s that kind of dedication, love, and camaraderie we at PPMT live for. I’m so grateful for them re-igniting their fires to bring PPMT back to life!”

And now we have a new crew of die-hards who swear by the party!

Teeebone - *yells* “I got it! That feel you get when somebody says straight to three DJs’ faces ‘do you have any music I can dance to?’ and you’ve been playing dance music all night long. The only right answer to this question: I’M SORRY. WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DANCE MUSIC WHATSOEVER!” 

Turtle - “And the look on Sir Nikolia’s face that suggested the heat of a 1,000 suns… Well, we’ll leave it at that! Actually, she came back later to thank us for playing the Rolling Stones. Who knew?”

Every summer, when Paradise (our annual camping trip) would roll around, PPMT would follow it. We’d have a sarong night called, “Sarong, it’s So Right!” One year, the Paradise theme was to “Keep the Fires Burning.” I could have never imagined, at the time, something like a modern day plague would take humanity out at the knees. That we’d let our fires burn low into coals. That fire is still there though. PPMT and all of the CSPC programming plan to help breathe those fires back to life…to reignite them into a conflagration of passion for ourselves and our community. Come out. Become whole again! Volunteer and make space for others to become whole too!

Turtle - “I loved that the staff, no matter the name tag, all worked together to make great things happen. They could have happened at any party. But PPMT just refuses to notice that there is a box at all, much less lines to color in.”

Teeebone - “The concept of the crew as ‘Fam’ was very strong with PPMT.”

Turtle - “You keep hearing hints about TK’s Buffet. Trust me. There wasn’t food, but if you had a vagina, you could get stuffed! 

Teeebone - “We like to think of it as an immersive experience.” *laughs* “Three of my partners have been to the Buffet Table and rate it five thumbs up!”

Turtle - “We are both DJs. We love music! We play it loud! It is important to us. So bring your earplugs or headphones if you need them. Also, if the music fits the theme and you contact us beforehand, we’ve been known to play certain songs for a scene. Be nice or we might Rickroll you! We Are Never Gonna Give You Up!”

Teeebone - “Get yourself ready for a hot night with a five-finger sex punch!”

By the way, come join us on March 9 and dress to the “Ls” in leather and latex! While not a requirement to attend the party, we highly encourage our attendees to adorn themselves in said fetish wear. At PPMT, we whip sensuality and BDSM all under the same roof!

Come to Power Play Mixed-Tape and let your body talk!

Consent Corner 24.05

By Emma Atkinson

Hello lovely ones! The Corner is on Spring Break—please carry on enjoying life as you were. 

Got a great consent tale to share? Yes, you do! Please share it at:

Itching to read about a consent-related topic? You know you are! Please send it along to:

Is 2024 all you dreamed it would be? Let your tale tickle our fancy at:

See you next time! 

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma

PPMT is celebrating Leather and Latex in March!

By Teeebone

Come join us on March 9th and dress to the “L”s in Leather and Latex! While not a requirement to attend the party, we highly encourage our attendees to adorn themselves in said fetish wear. At PPMT, we whip sensuality and BDSM all under the same roof!

Power Play Mixed-Tape makes having a fantastic fucking time easy. Dress to impress and surround yourself with sensual sex and bass-pounding BDSM. Best yet—the music will be HOT. Throbbing beats from 8-10 pm with DJ ObliqueBanter and sizzling sexiness by DJ Boneman from 10 pm-midnight! Surge and doof with us! (The basement will ride a noticeably lower decibel level for your pleasure! Earplugs are available at the registration desk.)

FOMO is a thing, but we have time to sling! Take your time to play hard at PPMT! (Know all levels and types of play are welcome!) Let the music groove your body or be suspended from one of our hard points. Make someone dance on the rack or turn them over a spanking bench. Any play sanctioned by the CSPC is allowed at PPMT so review the CSPC's Essential House Rules. Expect sex anywhere and everywhere (except the bathroom, aftercare room, or stairs)! If it's going to be bloody, please bring your own plastic/tarp and linens.

PPMT ran from 2012 up until the closure of Interbay in 9/2016. PPMT was selected as 2012 Party of the Year as well as March 2014 Party of the Month. It is the first of the 2.0 parties to return to the CSPC to “Reignite Our Fires!”