News — the CSPC

Broaden Your Mind

Other Community Events to Enjoy!

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in the first issue each month. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

May 19–29

Beacon Cinema: A bunch of sexy, unsettling, and subversive films ($12.50 | in person)

The Beacon declares fidelity to a cinema utopia in which our struggle for collective liberation is bound up with all the unrealized possible futures woven through the forgotten histories of film. Together we explore our dreams so that we might some day possess them in reality.

May 25

Kremwerk: Kings ~ A Drag King Show ~ Queer Prom ($10–$20 | in person)

Come enjoy an amazing alt drag show and compete for the title of Prom "king" and Prom "queen" (non binary competitors welcome too!) and win all access tickets to the Kremwerk Pride weekend next month.

May 26

Pan Eros: Practical Application of Floggers ($45–$85 | in person)

Want to create a great flogging scene? Not sure about the basics? Know the basics inside-and-out but think there might be something more? This experiential flogging workshop is for anybody that thinks they’ve got something to learn. We’ll discuss the foundations, practice basic and non-basic strokes, and cover how to turn it all from a collection of techniques into a scene.

May 30–August 8

Consent Academy: Consent and Leadership Summer Series ($300+ | online)

Consent and Leadership is a unique opportunity for leaders to deepen their understanding of consent, power, trauma, and accountability. It consists of 8 workshops and one optional lab, each exploring the knowledge, skills, and practices anyone who finds themselves in a position of influence or authority needs in order to foster a consensual space.

June 2

Abbey Arts: The QUEER Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall In Love ($10–$30 | in person)

This structured event (held outdoors, weather permitting) is not about scrolling and swiping and making snap decisions based solely on physical appearance. This event is about being open enough to see each other's humanity.

June 6

Papaya Project: Sex Trivia! ($10–$20 | in person)

This monthly event is the best way to learn about and celebrate pleasure, queerness, and the science of sex! A portion of each ticket will be donated to Lavender Rights Project, a Seattle-based organization that elevates the power, autonomy, and leadership of the Black, intersex, and gender diverse community through intersectional legal and social services. 

Frolic Presenter Bio - Maeve McBride

Maeve McBride (she/they) is a kink educator, erotic coach, sexological herbalist, event producer, and Executive Director of KinkFest 2025. She has been studying the intersections of kink, sacred sex, plants, trauma, and personal alchemy for more than 22 years. A fun, sensual, and compassionate switch-witch, Maeve enjoys assisting folx of all persuasions to work towards their unique health, erotic, and sexual goals. She combines evidence-based teaching methods, anatomy geekery, goal setting, mind-body-spirit trauma healing techniques, communication tools, and a sense of playfulness, experimentation, and exploration in a non-judgmental learning environment. Her goal is always to help students and clients assemble a toolkit of things that work for their own unique needs and empower them to live their best pleasure-filled lives.

  1. Botanica Erotica: Kinky Plants for Pleasure, Pain, and Passion

  2. Energetic Protection for Everyone

  3. Transformative Accountability 101

  4. Trauma-Informed Topping

Botanica Erotica: Kinky Plants for Pleasure, Pain, and Passion 

Level 3, BDSM, Botany, Sex

Green witches do it better. Have the roses AND the thorns! This class introduces you to the myriad of sexual adventures enhanced by using plants for kinky play.

Topics covered will include the use of herbal aphrodisiacs to assist with relaxation and dropping in, sensation and impact play toys using safe abundant, and ethically harvested natural materials, natural first aid and aftercare, botanical sexual health support, and herbs to help prevent or mitigate the symptoms of drop.

Energetic Protection for Everyone 

Level 1, Energy, Esoteric, Psychological Safety

Who is this class for? This class is for BDSM explorers, both new and experienced, and members of the kink community who would like to bring mindfulness practices into their play and interactions. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

After an intense few years of collective stress and anxiety, we think it is more important than ever to incorporate self-care and protection into your BDSM dynamics. Setting physical, emotional, and energetic boundaries on either side of the slash is important for creating a safe container and dynamic in any D/s relationship or play session.

In this workshop educator Maeve McBride will explore the unique energetic protection needs of BDSM players including:

Easy ways to identify energetic vampire characteristics in potential play partners, as well as shadow characteristics within yourself that need to be healed.

Practical and magickal ways to create safe and sacred space for yourself and those you play with.

Communication strategies for creating clear and healthy boundaries that enhance the fun and enjoyment for all involved.

Ways to preserve and enhance your physical, emotional, and kinky energy to avoid feeling depleted.

How to protect yourself and extricate yourself from situations that involve human energy vacuums and high drama folx.

Transformative Accountability 101

Level 1, Accountability, Psychological Safety

There is a lot of conversation happening in the community regarding accountability processes for when someone causes harm to another person. This class will explore the essence of accountability, debunk misconceptions, and showcase diverse accountability frameworks to consider as you begin to build your accountability processes and circles in anticipation of the inevitable time when you fuck up. Because everyone fucks up at some point…

What to bring: An open mind. 

Trauma-Informed Topping 

Level 2, Kink, Psychological Safety, Topping

To play with kink is to play with safety, trust, and unfortunately, often to wade through the waters of trauma and the risk of activating those we play with as well as ourselves. In this class we will discuss ways to be a trauma-informed, aware, and responsive top or dominant who can be prepared, compassionate, and caring about the activations and triggers you or your bottom might experience while playing.

By being a trauma-informed top, you can help facilitate reframing, transformation, catharsis and even healing for yourself and your play partners with a little awareness, a few tools, and a handful of techniques.

In this class you will learn how to read body language and activation cues, how trauma affects the brain and body, and many mind-body techniques to incorporate into your dynamics and play to help both yourself and your partners heal from old wounds, prevent new ones, and reclaim your kinky pleasure.

What to bring: Paper/pen for notes. 

The Frolic Lore: Updates

May 4th Stewardship Day

This Saturday, May 4th, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., we look forward to joining another sex-positive group as well as The Grove’s residents in laughter, elbow grease, and property primping, followed by a Beltane celebration, hot tubbing, and hob-knobbing with new friends! Email if you have questions not covered by the instructions below.

The Frolic 2024 Stewardship Day! Sign up today!

Once you follow the link to VolunteerLocal, do the simple join process with a chosen name and email.

Sign in if you already have done so.

Then, under the list of Community Service options, choose Stewardship Days and sign up for one or both days! (May 4th, June 16th)

Have You Checked Out the Website?

Presenters and Workshops

You will not believe the program we are laying out for you! Bios, a list of presenters, classes, and class descriptions have been added to the website! OMG, there are only two repeat classes from last year. Every newsletter will spotlight a different presenter. The current issue features Maeve McBride from our sister city to the south! Look at the last newsletter to peruse Ms. J’s classes. What a HOT picture! And there’s a class with FIREBALLS!


The Meal Team is hard at work organizing yummy food for everyone. It’s a difficult job to plan for numerous different diets and palates. They are motivated! Or maybe it’s because we gave them purple aprons…hmmmm! We will release the meal plan on the website as we get closer to camp.


Entertainment has two leads and they are busy giggling under their breath so I can only imagine what they have in store for us! Rumors of a drum circle, campfire singing, a lube slip ‘n’ slide, a quest to follow, float around chit chat by both the leads and attendees! Returning is Taster’s Choice (try it, you might like it), the Swap Meet and Fleeee Market, and more talented folks enthusiastically performing in the Talent Show. I don’t know how we are going to beat someone playing guitar with their dick or a human stripping pole! 

The Grove

The Grove has added four dedicated RV spots and possibly composting toilets.


Many parts of the camp will remain the same. At the same time, we’ve worked hard to create more efficient processes behind the scenes. For example: we have a Logistics team who just tracks and buys “all the things” we need! May we heap all blessings upon Logistics. Not to say that all the other teams aren’t just as amazing! 


Our online ticket registration includes a quick-ish orientation video and asks for all the information we needed to have you fill out last year onsite. You’ll literally drive up to the Loop, park, show your legal identification, get a swag bag, and go find your campsite! We even located a portable toilet behind the Registration booth (The Vault)!

We will also have a virtual Pre-Frolic 411 again so store up those questions for Wednesday July 17, 7-9 p.m.

Redbubble displays all the fantastic swag you can order. Check it out! 

Don’t wait to buy your ticket!

Join in the discussion on Discord and Fetlife


Yep, I said it! Click on the link to be wowed by their awesomeness! The Gaia Yurt was won for $610 at auction! The Soul Yurt is up now and runs through 12 p.m. on May 13.

The Frolic Follies (2023)

Member quotes from the 2023 Frolic

"There is an undeniable magic that happens when this community gets together in the woods. This was my second year and once again, those who arrived as strangers become friends and lovers. Together we held a safe space for each of us to express who we are and experiment with who we could become. I left feeling seen and welcomed." —Freebird

"I didn't know I needed waffles until there were waffles!" —anonymous

"Today I got all emotional doing laundry remembering all the fun I had in various outfits, particularly the onesie. I tried to find a better laundry setting because 'normal' did not seem to fit, and 'kinky' was not an option." —Anthropic 

"Someone wrote on the pick-up play board for a stunt bottom to practice techniques from the Digital Orgasm class. Can I just write, 'me too!' under it?" —heard three times from three different people.

"So lovely seeing everyone share their experiences. There was so much going on, I wish I could have experienced it all. For me, one of the highlights was meeting so many people with different kinds of families, friendships, and relationships. You really made me feel seen and welcomed! You are all wonderful people." —Allen

"Why is everyone telling me about consent? Is it because I'm the consent person?"

"Um…no. It's because it's a Kinky Kindness Bingo square!" —Seq and Turtle

"I experienced an unparalleled level of spontaneous community, body positivity, and acceptance that still have me glowing. I've never received, nor been so able to take in, the sort of positive attention and compliments I got in spades at The Frolic, and I am doing my best to hold onto all the highlights as reminders of my self-worth and sexiness. Inspired by everyone who worked hard to make it happen and so looking forward to future kinky camping opportunities." —betwixt

"I'll never be able to look a pony girl in the face again after that story [by 7]!" —overheard anonymously in the dark

"As a socially awkward kid new to the CSPC, I was really nervous to go to Frolic alone. I'm really glad that I pushed myself to do it though: by meeting people at Frolic I now feel a lot safer attending other CSPC events by myself, because I'll definitely know people there. Thanks everyone for being so welcoming!" —GB (GoodBoy)

"Power Bottom." [nuff said] —the entire audience

"I hope he didn't get any pubic hairs caught in the guitar strings." —overheard in the dark

CSPC Pride 2024 - Call for Volunteers!

Where’s Your Flair? Pride Volunteers Needed! 

It’s May 2 today, and Pride is June 30. Wow! Two short months to work on our 25th Anniversary theme, source decorations, recruit marchers, build a float, and show up to share in the ecstasy of energy that is Seattle Pride. We are looking for a few people to help with the prep work and the day of execution. This includes the Tabling Organizers for Saturday and Sunday, Tabling Representatives, Float Lead, Float Decorations Lead, and Parade Marchers Lead. Email to express interest or ask questions.

Consent Corner 24.07

By Emma Atkinson 

Hello, sassy and sexy readers! Here’s hoping you’re enjoying all of the many gifts that springtime brings. 

We’ve talked before now about the importance of honoring your feelings. Those feelings are there for a reason, and it’s wise to examine them closely. 

If you hear someone tell you that you’re being too sensitive, or other words to that effect, it’s a good time to stop and get more information. Chances are good that you’re being gaslighted — that’s when someone is trying to manipulate you for their own purposes. This manipulation can take the form of leading you to question and eventually distrust your feelings, to their own advantage. 

We’re all entitled to our feelings, and please be very careful when your feelings are minimized or negated. I’m a big fan of Gavin de Becker’s book The Gift of Fear. He notes that the sense of discomfort, of something not being quite right, is a gift that can help keep you safe. Maybe everything is okay and maybe it isn’t. Stop and get more information to help you figure out what’s going on. Bring in supportive friends if you want help untangling a complex situation. 

If you’ve been giving your consent to something and you’re experiencing some uncomfortable feelings, it’s a perfect time to get more information. In fact, most times are the perfect time to get more information — but maybe that’s just me. 

Homework: check out the book The Gift of Fear and other of Gavin deBecker’s writing. Then, please share your thoughts at: You’ll be glad you did.

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma

Broaden Your Mind

Other Community Events to Enjoy!

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in the first issue each month. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

May 4

Kremwerk: SIN Dark Dance Fetish Night ($tbd | in person)

May The Dark Side of the 4th Be With You! (Star Wars cosplay encouraged) Spinning the best and newest in EBM and Industrial Music. Only one of a handful of nights in the U.S. playing only NEW industrial music, this is not your parent’s Goth night!

May 5

Sex Positive World: SLUT RISING: Impact of The Ethical Slut w/ Janet W. Hardy ($0–$25 | online)

Join literary icon & co-Author of The Ethical Slut, Janet W. Hardy, in discussing the impact on consensually non-monogamous frameworks & mainstream representations since the book's publication!

May 8

Papaya Project: Sex Trivia ($10–$20 | in person)

This monthly event is the best way to learn about and celebrate pleasure, queerness, and the science of sex! A portion of each ticket will be donated to Hopes For Children, a community kitchen that provides free meals to children in Gaza. 

May 10–12

Northwest Film Forum: Terminal USA ($14 | in person)

A candy-colored hellscape that feels like an episode of Strangers with Candy that was filmed by Dario Argento during a three-day acid bender, Jon Moritsugu’s Terminal USA is a crucial piece of 1990s alternative cinema—smart, shocking, and one of the most deranged films to ever be funded by American taxpayers. This is the film Heathers wished it could be.

May 12

Consent Academy: Consent, Neurodiversity, & Kink ($20–$40 | online)

A lot of neurodivergent people enjoy kink. Even if you are neurotypical, you probably know many neurodivergent people. This discussion-focused workshop is designed to help folks of all neurotypes better understand and communicate with their neurodivergent partners and play partners.

May 19–29

Beacon Cinema: Belle de Jour and Lolita ($12.50 | in person)

The Beacon declares fidelity to a cinema utopia in which our struggle for collective liberation is bound up with all the unrealized possible futures woven through the forgotten histories of film. Together we explore our dreams so that we might some day possess them in reality.


By Turtle

My eyes stare dry into the darkness

Sleep ever elusive even when exhausted

Mind swirling in random thoughts from

Rabbit holing the interwebs of nonsense.

             Remembering years passing in flight

             Out partying on New Year’s night

             Glitter and flashing colored lights

             Making out in the shadowed corners of night.

The sheets slide cool over my legs

I squeeze my eyes shut in desperation

Curl my icy feet under sleeping dogs

Willing myself to forget what I was, am, could be.

             Slipping through alleys to hidden club doors

             Password a necessity not forgotten lore

             Click click click heels clack on the floor

             Dance floor of undulating bodies, I want more.

Rising, covers fall, I stand there alone

No light, my hand traces the walls

Edge of my hearing, a beat pounds

I follow the entrancing notes blindly.

             Doof Doof Doof my heart beats in time

             Lyrics to a song that doesn’t rhyme

             The mob of sweating flesh pheromones prime

             Overwhelm my senses to pull me in line.

My mind must be dreaming I’m there

But I feel fingers caress my shoulder

Trailing down my arm to jump to my hip

Our skin sticks and slides as we surge.

             We move to deep house, drum and beats

             Rendering clothes unnecessary in the heat

             Sliding, moving, shaking, grooving until I’m weak

             I don’t know if I remember words to speak

Have I entered a fairy world of beauty?

Where everything you want is what you seek

Who are you? Will we meet again?

Or do you only exist when I sleep?

Frolic Presenter Bios!

Welcome Back Presenter Ms. J!

Classes she will be teaching:

Fireplay 101: C’mon Baby, Light My Fire 

Do you want to learn fireplay instead of just watching it? Ms. J will take you safely from nervous fire novice to enthusiastic pyromaniac. In this class you will watch, learn, and (with time permitting) try a tiny bit of hands-on fireplay yourself.
Ms. J begins with an explanation of general preparation and fire safety for you, your bottom, and your venue. Then construction and fire kit contents. Learn to warm up your fire bottom by starting small and increasing the amount of flame to get your bottom’s endorphins flowing. Tips for bottoms will include communicating with your top, a breathing technique to process the sensations, and aftercare for the bottom.  
Come on, try it, become one of Ms. J’s baby fire-dragons!

Fireplay 301: The Firestorm 

So, you learned basic fireplay, and now you want to learn those bigger, better, badder fire techniques. Ms. J will teach you how to use the fire glove, play with mousse, use flash cotton, play with butane bubbles, and throw a fireball. Each of these topics will include their own specific safety tips and techniques. As time permits, a hands-on portion will be included. 

It is not required that you attend the Intro to Fire class, but if you are new to any type of fireplay, it is highly suggested that you attend it, as safety tips in the advanced class build upon safety learned in the Intro class. 

Sensual Savagery

A delicate brush of the hand up the breast...slowly traversing up the neck...pausing slightly to caress the ear...then a formidable fist full of hair...the hushed whisper “I’ma fuck you up…while your partner just watches and does nothing!” The slow retreat of the hand as though this interaction was a sensual and intimate exchange between you two.

The juxtaposition of soft and sensual with the sadistic will leave your partner’s head swooning. Mixing massage with pressure points; the bump-and-grind for a tease of sexual intimacy on their leg with a knee to the genitalia; passionate kisses with a nip to the lip; a sweet hug with the deprivation of air will leave them in a daze. This class is a delightful compilation of rough body play, pressure points, and sexual intimacy directly appealing to any connection and reaction junkies. Come play with Ms. J to discuss and see how to make your inner Sensual Sadist flourish.

Devil’s Fire / Micro-branding / Cell Popping

What is Devil’s Fire, microbranding, cell popping, and body modification? Are they the same or are they different? Does a rose by any other name still smell as sweet? Does that metal by any other name still burn as fiercely???

Ms. J will discuss tools and fuels, negotiation, techniques, safety, and aftercare. Is your scene about creating a design or giving them a floaty endorphin high? You will learn how to make your design and transfer it to your bottom. A demo portion will be included so you can see this type of play in action. 

Ms. J - BIO

Ms. J (she/her) identifies as the Happy Bouncy Sadist, Nana-Dragon pyromaniac, Agent of Chaos, Mama Bear to many, Connection Junkie, Purveyor of bruise poking, a bus-driving RACK playing mostly toppy kinda girl, and a blissfully married monogamish human. 

Although best known for her kinky fireplay passion, Ms. J also enjoys rough body play coupled with soft and gentle contact for that ultimate mind fuck in impact play, blade play with a sharp and shiny to slice off your clothes, the sticky sloppy wet sensations of food play, and drive-by dork play. Want to make her day — ask her to slap you!