Working on the Disappearing Task Force for CSPC Transparency

By Ari

In November and December 2023, I participated on the disappearing task force on the transparency of the CSPC’s current incident reporting system. I worked with a group of about twelve as we discussed our current policies and procedures and evaluated how each facet of the process could be more transparent for the community. My initial reason for joining the group was to invest more of my time into making the CSPC community the best it can be, but it turned out to have much more of an impact on me than I thought it would. I got to meet and interact with members I didn’t know prior to the task force, which was a great thing to start with. I also really enjoyed learning more about the organization and its structure. 

Outside of the six two-hour meetings, the additional work required of the task force was truly customized to the individuals in the group. No one was “volun-told” to do anything they didn’t have bandwidth for or interest in. I raised my hand to take on some work outside of meetings to design a consent page that will appear on the CSPC website along with a co-worker so that neither of us would be swamped. I found the time commitment customizable to what I felt capable of in any given week, and the task force itself was indeed “disappearing.” After our last meeting we had a couple of deliverables that folks were working on separately, but there were no additional requests after the task force wrapped. 

As we continue to work on transparency in the CSPC, my hope is that much more of the membership will continue to get involved in ways that appeal to them. I’m definitely looking out for more opportunities like this, and I’d encourage anyone who enjoys our community to also find ways to get involved. It’s a great way to learn about what it truly takes to run an org like this and to put your fingerprints on the direction of things going forward. 

Broaden Your Mind

The CSPC throws amazing parties and hosts many important discussions on various topics. But luckily, we live in a place where there are many more options to dive into sex- and body-positive culture. The list below is just a sampling of some great events coming up in the next month.

We include non-CSPC events in the first issue each month. If you have an event suggestion, please email Marissa at and it might make it into our next issue!

February 3

Abbey Arts: Bandit Theater: Swipe Right [IMPROV] ($15–$22.50 | in person)

One brave soul from our audience will plug their dating profile into a projector and allow comedians to critique their online presence. Then the improvisers will do a set of improv comedy based on the profile. You’ll laugh, you’ll judge, you’ll fall in love.

February 7

Papaya Project: Sex Trivia ($10–$20 | in person)

Join us for a fun, educational night of sex trivia and to fundraise for comprehensive sexuality education! A portion of each ticket will be donated to Pleasure Pie, a grassroots sexual justice organization based in Boston, MA.

February 9+ (three weekends in February)

Acrobatic Conundrum: THREADS ($17.50–$100 | in person)

THREADS is a circus paean to the fibers that intertwine to make up our lives and universe, that connect us and string together our story. Pendant, taut, and resonant, the cast of acrobats weave their stories together via the fiber-centric movement arts of aerial rope, trapeze, slackrope, and hair-suspension, all set to a soulful score played by chanteuse and multi-instrumentalist, Kamila.

February 11

Abbey Arts: The QUEER Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall In Love ($10–$30 | in person)

Are you a f***ing amazing person who just wants to meet another f***ing amazing person?

This event is for you!

February 13

Papaya Project: Seattle Sexuality Professionals Meet-Up (free | in person)

Are you a Sexuality Educator, Counselor, Therapist, or other sexuality-related professional living in Seattle? Do you want to connect with other people in your field, brainstorm future collaborations, or just have a space to collectively decompress? Join us for this special meet-up, where we will discuss sexuality and spirituality.

February 14

Olmstead: BeautyBoiz presents Cupid's Cabaret ($15–$60 | in person)

Have you been naughty or nice this year? Athena knows, and she's got something for you either way. Come out to Olmste(a)d on Valentine's eve and soak up all the sexiness of the lovely cast for our very first dinner variety show!

February 16–17

Kremwerk: 10-Year Anniversary (TBD | in person)

Can you believe it's been a whole decade of Kremwerk magic? We're throwing the ultimate birthday bash the best way we know how -- with three rooms of music, dancing, and YOU!

February 17

Pan Eros Foundation: CBT: Squeezing, Smacking, and Stretching ($30 | in person)

This rope workshop will be a hands-on class with active participation and rope tying. We will briefly analyze the various aspects of CBT such as male anatomy, health risks, and safety precautions to keep in mind. We will then discuss various techniques for squeezing, smacking, and stretching the cock and balls. We will then conclude with 3 different CBT ties and practical hands-on practice with step-by-step follow-along instructions.

February 18

North End Makerspace: Be Gay, Make Stuff (free | in person)

Let's get together in a safe and welcoming environment and make stuff! Whatever craft floats your boat. We have plenty of table space and some tools you can use while you're here. 

February 18

Sex Positive World: Challenging Amatonormativity ($0–$25 | online)

This presentation delves into the hidden world of genetics, neuroscience and medicine. We shall be discussing 11 sex chromosomal compositions that we know of today, presented alongside brain imaging studies of hypothalamic areas (BNST and SDN-POA/INAH 3 Cluster) that recognize gender change in an individual. Neural bases of monogamous and non-monogamous behaviors and advanced medical research into in-vitro gametogenesis and parthenogeneis, shall also be presented.

February 19

Stoup Brewing: Board Gayme Night (free | in person)

A weekly meetup for the LGBTQIA+ community hosted by Seattle Gaymers. 

February 20

Sex Positive World: Awesome Boundaries Around the World ($0–$25 | online)

Whether you’ve been taught to go against your own boundaries in order to please others or to push hard for what you want, or a mix of both, this on-line workshop is a place to explore together how we each got to where we are today with boundaries and how to get to a better place in how we set and receive boundaries.

February 24

Pan Eros Foundation: A Black Tie Affair ($120–$2,700 | in person)

You are cordially invited to an exclusive soirée benefiting the Seattle Erotic Art Festival. We are pleased to host you at Gallery Erato, Seattle’s year-round home of erotic art. Join us for an evening of performances, exquisite food, a unique way to participate in the art and support the festival, and a sneak peek at the 2024 selected art.

February 25

Sex Positive World: Sexy Intersections: Anti-Oppression and Sex Positivity ($0–$25 | online)

This class helps us all think about the many power dynamics that affect us when we interact in sex positive community. This is a core class in SPW for all of us wanting to learn more about how we show up/speak up/receive feedback from others when we share space together. It’s a good space for beginners who are eager to learn as well as for experienced community members who want more tools and techniques to navigate sexy spaces well.

Call for CSPC Mementos and Memories

Hello members! The Center for Sex Positive Culture’s Communications Team is looking ahead to our organization's 25th Anniversary in 2024! We want to put something together to commemorate the history of our wonderful community over its quarter century of celebrating sexuality. As such, we are putting a call to you, our members, to share mementos and memories related to the CSPC over the past 25 years. 

Whether it be photos of old pamphlets, recollections of The Wet Spot, or anything else related to the CSPC over its years, we’d love to have them shared with us so we can curate our collection content that we can draw from for this project! If you have any interest in sharing, please submit your contact information and contributions to [this form link] alongside filling out the associated Content Release Form linked on the form itself. 

We cannot and do not promise that anything shared with us will be guaranteed to be included. Nevertheless, we will do our best and make sure our celebration of our organization’s past is as wonderfully diverse as our membership! Thank you so much, and we look forward to being able to showcase our past as we move toward the future! 

The CSPC Communications Team

Consent Corner 24.02

BY Emma Atkinson 

Hello lovely ones, and warm wishes for the happiest and most wondrous 2024! Hopefully, you’re off to a good start on it.

We’re considering the Bumbershoot consent model: C.O.N.S.E.N.T. The second “N” says: Need support? Venue staff are here to help. 

Wherever you are, please remember to look around for help when you need it. And, please remember how you recognize when you need help. For me, there’s a tightness in my chest when I’m feeling uncomfortable. We’re all unique wonders, so you know best how discomfort says hello to you. 

Volunteers are there to help you have the best possible experience. They want everyone at an event to have the best possible experience, too. They want to help — let them do it! 

Volunteering is an opportunity to give back to an organization for what has been freely and lovingly given to you. Please step up at the CSPC and join the amazing volunteer team. 

Homework: How do you know when you’re uncomfortable? We’d love to hear a story about it at:

“Be excellent to each other.” —Bill and Ted

“Be sexcellent to each other.” —Emma

Questions I Wish I'd Asked or Known When I Joined the BDSM Community

by Turtle  | ObliqueBanter 

You've been dreaming about this for a long time. Waiting to get your courage up to come to an orientation here at your local BDSM community at the Center for Sex Positive Culture. You get excited waiting for the day to come. You carefully pick out a sexy outfit. You are going to go have that fantasy and revel in it! You walk in and are surrounded by others. You all try not to make too much eye contact. The orientation leader begins their presentation and you try to listen carefully, but the fantasy has taken over. You are simultaneously hot, cold, wet with excitement. Then, the doors open and more people pour in, surrounding you. Music starts and lights dim. Suddenly, you are overwhelmed. How are you supposed to find the fulfiller of your fantasy? I’m lost and have so many questions!

There are many questions to ask. There's so much information to find out. 

  • How many people are there? 

  • What's where? 

  • How much will it cost? 

  • Will I find the person who can fulfill my fantasy with me? 

  • What do people think of me?

Those are some questions I did ask beforehand. Then, I actually joined the community. I learned that there are some critical things I had no idea about and would never have thought to ask. Here are some common questions that often get asked (and sometimes answered) in the first six months.

What is negotiation for play? People need to know how to negotiate. Innumerable attendees think that they can negotiate well, but with a clever Dom/Top/Master, everything that you're trying to negotiate becomes malleable in carefully twisted definitions. I did not know that it’s best to not renegotiate once I start a scene. Your body is dumping chemicals into your system and your brain has now entered an altered state. 

I sent a friend to chat with a couple of Masters who were hanging around. I had hoped they’d teach her how to negotiate. She came back so excited. “I've negotiated my first scene.” And I said ok, what is it, and she said, “I get to have a scene where they glue a dildo to my forehead and I roll around making narwhal sounds!” Excuse me. Which part of that did you get out of the negotiation? She said, “I don't have to make whale sounds.” I laughed and sent her back to try again. They didn't mess with her and they really helped her to learn to negotiate. But, oh dear, they like to have their fun! 

There are other things that I never even considered.

I didn’t know I would be exploring my inner self so much, that I would really be digging down deep questioning all the original tenets my family and friends taught me growing up. I ended up finding a new way to look at the world. 

I didn't know it would become such a big part of my life, that the other parts would fall away and everyone I knew would be in the community. I would work to support them in finding a similar place like mine, where they could come and be seen without shame or judgment.

I didn't realize that scening could trigger my emotions and bring up old trauma. It took a while to learn how to control my emotions, to figure out triggers and if I could reframe those experiences.

One thing people often come in thinking is, “Finally, I'm going to get to live out my fantasy!” We tell you at orientation. “If you're expecting your fantasy to happen tonight, it won't happen.” Your IRL experience is going to be very different from your fantasy because you didn't know that your body could do this, or that it gave off these hormones, or that your connection with that person would be so strong that you would just be “someplace else.” A phenomenon called sub drop is very real, and there's Top drop too. I had never realized that those are important ideas nor how to handle them. 

I did not know that most scenes are pre-arranged. You have to talk to people. It is important to take the time to get to know people and their reputations. I learned what is or is not “normal.” You can't do pick-up play if you aren’t willing to get to know someone. It was time to step out of my shell and talk to people. I didn't realize how much I was repressing my core self by trying to present as vanilla. 

I didn’t know that if I said “no” to someone or a scene, it's not like it would never happen. It could happen later or maybe at another time as one becomes more comfortable. When I started, I didn't want to do anything besides floggers. I was abhorrently wrong! (LMAO!) Floggers are great, but there were other toys that reached down deep to touch a special spot inside me.

I learned how to say (and hear) “no” gracefully. I needed to know that someone saying “no” to me wasn’t a personal rejection. It's more likely to have absolutely nothing to do with me. Saying “no” is just something that we need to be honest about because we may have other plans, may not feel up to it, or have bruises and can't take more right now.

I had to learn how to navigate consent for me as a neurodivergent person. I hadn't realized how pivotal consent is in my life. I decide how you touch me, or whether you get to touch me at all.

Eventually I settled down with a Master. They taught me how to prepare for a scene and reiterated not to negotiate after a scene starts. 

There's an abundance of new information to observe. How can anyone possibly keep track of it all? There is just so much coming at me all at once. I often will feel overwhelmed, especially if my emotions are triggered, and I'll need to have my scene partner hold safe space until I can get my head and body back together. 

I didn't realize how many people were in the community. I was surrounded by all these people, looking at me and I'm looking at them, and I'm thinking, “Oh, I should have worn something else” and they're probably thinking the same thing about themselves. There are just oodles and oodles of people, and when a party starts and more people pour in, I think, “There can't possibly be this many people, but if there are this many people into it, it is mainstream.” We're no longer outliers. 

I had some difficulty with the lingo and all the definitions at first. It was easy to get tripped up. Thankfully, people graciously took time to explain the subtleties. Example: the differences between Master, Dom, and Top. Or between polyamory, ethical non-monogamy, and consensual non-monogamy. 

I didn’t realize how much it can cost. But I learned how to pick up some neat stuff at thrift stores to make pervertables. Creativity can help you save money, and it can enhance the fun!

Remember that this is a journey. Where you start is not at all where you will end (and it never has to end!). You have choices to make. This is a choose-your-own-adventure story and you are the star! You don't have to ever run out of FOMO because there are so many fetishes and kinks to explore. If someone or something is bothering you… Look the other way, go somewhere else. We will support you. If you feel judged, the person judging you is you. The shame you hold inside of yourself is yours. If you want to let it go, you can let it go here. We're here for you. We're a community. 

I just wish there had been a list somewhere with all these basic questions so I would have known where to start. Hopefully this is helpful to newcomers who might be just as confused as I was!


By Teeebone

Hey folx! Your friendly tech host here to tell you all that starting this coming February, the ND D/G will be switching from the fourth Tuesday to the third Monday of the month from 7-9 p.m.! We will still be hosting the other meeting on the first Sunday from 5-7 p.m. as usual. Please make a note of it! And now a message from our sponsor...

Come join us on Sunday, February 4th from 5-7 p.m. for a very special ND D/G focusing on tips for neurodivergents seeking employment. Here’s a quick description from our special guest:

“The power of posting. Relearning the art of the job search. Looking for work as a neurodivergent can be hell. The good news is that it doesn't have to be! It turns out the system has changed and we haven't yet learned how it works in practice now. Brian is here to show you how you can unsuck the job search and finally have the system start working for you.”

Be sure to check it out! :^)

Community Call for Volunteers - Any Architects?

As many, but not all, of our community members may be aware, we rent the space where we host our in-person parties. Gallery Erato is a lovely space, but the CSPC once upon a time had our own building, and we hope to have one again!

In the continued search for a new building, we're wondering if there might be an architect within our community who would be interested in assisting with this process. If so, please contact Larry by sending an email to

Important Policy Updates

Happy 2024 to each one of you in our beautiful community!

You have hopefully seen these notices in previous newsletters, but as we move into the actual new year, please take a moment to review these important updated policies taking effect in 2024. 

Updated Refund Policy (started January 1)

Updated Masking Policy (to start February 1)

Thank you all! Stay sexy!

Frolic 2024 Volunteers Wanted

By Turtle and Mina

As we end 2023, Mina and I (Co-Directors of The Frolic 2024) are looking ahead and planning for The Frolic 2024 event! In preparation for this, we are looking for amazing folx who can commit to Lead positions or help plan the event. It takes many hands, tons of smiles, and commitment to create this once-a-year event. You can set your hours to fit your schedule right now though it does get busy close to July and August.

Please email us if you would like to volunteer for The Frolic 2024 planning team. Let us know what areas you'd be interested in as well as a short list of your skill sets. 

Thank you again to all the 2023 Frolic volunteers! It wasn't without its hurdles but it was a great event in the end and we are looking forward to next year. 

Our first monthly virtual meeting will be on January 18th at 7:15pm

Please email to join us today!

We look forward to hearing from you!